March 2, 2009

SWD #22

FOR TODAY (March 2, 2009)...

Outside my window... It's dark.

I am thinking... about getting rid of relationships that stress me out.

I am thankful for... people who ACT, don't just do lip service.

From the kitchen... I tried to make spaghetti and the oven completely died right in the middle of cooking. I then tried to cook noodles in the microwave, causing a flood all over the counter. Burned myself. Disaster.

I am wearing... pajamas.

I am creating... a speech.

I am reading... on how the church has failed single people.

I am hoping... that someone will get a clue.

I am hearing... the television droning on, and the cat snoring.

Around the house... I guess I'll be getting a new oven.

One of my favourite things... people who know someone needs help.... and actually HELP.

A few plans for the rest of the week:

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing... I don't have a picture thought today. Nothing interesting to photograph, I suppose.

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