August 29, 2013

Look At Them

Yesterday, I was driving away from the grocery store, and, as is common in the city, there was a man standing in the median, holding a sign. Usually, I read the signs people are holding, but this time, I was distracted by my own racing thoughts.

I looked. I wondered. And, in a matter of seconds, these thoughts whirled through my mind. Where are you from? What life events have put you in this situation? Are you sad? What's your name? Have you eaten? Aren't you hot? Do you have water? ........ Do you have anyone who loves you?

As I drove back to work in my air conditioned SUV with ice water in hand, I began to picture all the different locations around the city where I've seen people standing with a sign in their hands. I evaluated my reaction to this gentleman, and thought, "I saw him." Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't a pat on the back for Michele - I didn't do a thing for him. I could justify it by saying that I was in the right turn lane and couldn't have gotten to him anyway, but it doesn't really matter. All I did was look at him.

I know, I know... get to the point.....

Think about this: you're driving through the city, and you get stopped at a light. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot the person holding the sign. You feel uncomfortable. You fidget with the radio. Dig in your bag. Look in the opposite direction. Put your visor down and make sure there's nothing in your eye, or no makeup that needs fixing. ANYTHING to avoid making eye contact.

And then, the inner conflict begins. "I should give them money. NO. They should get a job. They're just working the system. They're probably just spending the money on booze and cigarettes. HEY WAIT... that's not my business to judge. Do I even have cash with me? Well, maybe I could just buy them food instead...."

The light turns green.

You drive away and go about your business. You never even look. You never SEE them.

I'm challenging you to change this. Next time you pull up to a light and someone is standing there, LOOK AT THEM. Look into their eyes. See them. See past the sign, past the dirt, past your own judgment and awkwardness and SEE the person who is valuable no matter what circumstances they're living in. This is someone's child. Someone's brother or sister. They matter. Allow your heart to be tugged on in a new and uncomfortable way.

See yourself in their shoes. Feel it. Drink it in. Wrestle with your mind. Let compassion drive you. And if you do nothing more than smile and say hello, you've taken a new step to SEE.

They matter. Look at them.