August 19, 2010

Yo, Christians, What's Your Bible?

About nine years ago, I was at a women's conference with a friend of mine. During one of our breaks, my friend overheard some of the women from a local church talking about someone else.

"She really should dress her age," one of them snipped.

That comment, and the attitude that accompanied it, has been stuck in my head since that day (and by the way, criticizing the clothing preferences of others may not be a very effective way to attract people to your church - just sayin').

I listen every day to people talking about what others SHOULD do, and what others SHOULDN'T do. What's healthy, what's not healthy. What's appropriate, what's not appropriate. What's normal, what's not normal. More often than not, these standards are cited as facts, when they really aren't much more than opinions or personal preferences. Some of the most common things I hear in "fact" speeches are, "I was reading in this book, and it said....." or "I heard on the radio...." It makes me wonder, about Christians specifically, where we're getting our "facts." What has become our Bible?

Don't get me wrong, teachers are great, books are great, sermons are great. However, as professed followers of Jesus, we might consider comparing these "facts" we learn with what He and His Dad have to say. If they jive, great. If they don't, we could stand to study it a little deeper to find His truth for ourselves. If we don't do the work and learn for ourselves, it's not really even our knowledge to own.... is it? It's just.... well, borrowed. Hearsay. Beautified gossip.

I have a tendency to be a tad controversial at times (gasp. swoon. faint.), so it comes as no surprise that I challenge Christians with questions when they present a "fact" to me.

"Where did you hear that?"
"Where did you read that?

.... and my personal favourite....

"Show me where it says that in the Bible."

Strangely enough, most of the Christians I ask the latter of, can't do it, because it didn't come from THE Bible, but rather, some sort of churchy, religious teaching. YUCK. Not only that, but a lot of times, in comparison with the words of Jesus (you know.... that guy God sent down here to rescue us from death?), the "fact" is completely opposite of down and dirty, Biblical truth.

It's interesting, isn't it?

According to basic Christian beliefs, when our lives are over, we stand before God alone and account for our actions and lives. Therefore, we would be wise to make GOD'S Word our standard..... our.... um.... Bible. THE Bible, THE Word of God is.... "living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)

So.... what's your Bible?

Fashion magazines? Psychology books? Self-help books? Beth Moore Bible studies? Television or radio programs? Catechism? Blog sites like this one? Purpose driven church books? World renown author books?

Just something to think about.

By the way, I'm curious.... what DOES "dress her age" mean? Furthermore, I wonder what Bible gives the standards for this particular issue. It must be a different Bible than I've seen, as mine doesn't have a list of what you must wear when you turn certain ages. Don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself.
