November 24, 2008

SWD #8

FOR TODAY (November 24, 2008)...

Outside my window... The trees have suddenly turned from their beautiful autumn colours to a bare brown stick look.

I am thinking... about my stepmother. Her birthday is tomorrow.

I am STILL thankful for... my health. So many people around me are sick and suffering.

From the kitchen... I'm looking forward to having one of Jonathan's chocolate truffle cookies. They are amazing.

I am wearing... white turtleneck, black sweater, black pants, black and white chunky shoes and penguin earrings.

I am creating... a list of potential purchases on Black Friday. Woo!!

I am going... to enjoy this coming weekend immensely.

I am reading...the newspaper from Saturday.

I am hoping... I do okay leading two parent meetings tonight and tomorrow night.

I am hearing... the steadiness of a ticking clock.

Around the house... I am enjoying having Christmas decorations for the first time in my adult life.

One of my favorite things... the smell of pine trees. There's just nothing like it.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Two meetings, a girls' night, Thanksgiving day fun and 4:00AM Black Friday shopping!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing... My larger-than-life cat thinks he's a tiny baby, and must have four treats every night before bed. Lately, after the treat ritual, he's taken to pawing at my cheek and my covers until I let him in. He then curls up as close to me as possible (as in, if he were any closer, he'd be wearing my pajamas), puts his head on my pillow and falls asleep. I was able to snap a couple of not-so-good pictures with my phone the other night. Isn't he goofy? What a goob.

November 17, 2008

SWD #7

FOR TODAY (November 17, 2008)...

Outside my window... I am finally starting to see signs of winter. It's about time.

I am thinking... about how my motives have been judged by someone who ought to know better, and how badly that hurts.

I am thankful for... my health.

From the kitchen... I'm stuck on Cap'n Crunch Christmas Crunchberries. So nutritious.

I am wearing... black turtleneck, tan pants, black shoes. It was the first thing I saw in the closet this morning.

I am creating... a list of items to be covered in a meeting later today. Hope I have all my ducks in a row. What in the world does that mean, anyway.... to have all your ducks in a row? I've never seen anyone line up ducks.

I am going... to clean my kitchen tonight. I think.

I am reading...nope.... still no time to read, though I did read some of the newspaper last night.

I am hoping... my mother actually gets her late birthday present today.

I am hearing... extremely harsh words echoing in my head.

Around the house... I must empty the litter box, lest the beast begin to rebel.

One of my favorite things... Christmas movies.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Helping my friend paint her bedroom.
Paying bills.
Other insignificant stuff.

Here is picture thought I am sharing... For Administrative Professionals Day this year, someone gave me a miniature rose bush. It blossomed well inside the office with little quarter-size mini roses. However, I soon discovered it had been taken over by gnats, so I set it outside the back door, thinking it would die. Well.... not only did it stay alive, but it decided to valiantly put out one last little blossom. It fought and fought and FINALLY opened up its petite petals. The next day it snowed and the little rose died. The end. *sigh*

November 10, 2008

SWD #6

FOR TODAY (November 10, 2008)...

Outside my window... it's a balmy 25 degrees and the sun is shining.

I am thinking... about how I failed to get my mother's birthday present to her on time.

I am thankful for... her forgiveness.

From the kitchen... I made brownies last night, and they tasted like carboard. I'm thinking I won't buy that brand again. You'd think Ghirardelli would have been better.

I am wearing... black turtleneck, black and grey palazzo pants, black boots and a black beret.

I am creating... a sign-up sheet for volunteer opportunities.

I am going... to attempt to get my remote starter installed in my truck before winter gets here.

I am reading...nope.... still no time to read.

I am hoping... to force myself to go home tonight and just be there.

I am hearing... the heater running in the background, and the clock ticking. It's nice and quiet for the moment.

Around the house... I am going through old cassette tapes to see what I should keep and what I should throw away.

One of my favorite things... is cozying up at home with my lumberjack jammies on, the fireplace going, the lights on the trees (yes, I have many pine trees in my house) glowing softly, and cinnamon candles mixed with some balsam fir incense wafting through the rooms.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Must make up Christmas lists and get them to my momala.
Must also get momala's birthday present to her.... late.... as usual. *sigh*

Here is picture thought I am sharing... I walked out of my friend's house last night and discovered my truck like this. I'm not exactly sure what I did to make the little birdies angry with me, but they have definitely made a statement. I stopped counting the poop splotches when I got to 75. (One wonders WHY I bothered counting them in the first place, right?) I've never seen anything like it. Too bad it wasn't the bluebird of happiness - today I'd be high on life. :o)

November 6, 2008

Living with Regret

This morning I was greeted by the maintenance man whose brother has been fighting a battle with cancer. It was a normal morning....

"Morning, Michele."

"Morning, Bill."


"Well, things took a turn for the worse last night."

"Uh oh, that doesn't sound good."

..... Bill went on to tell me that his brother's cancer has spread to his bones and that there's nothing more they can do for him, so they're sending him home for hospice care.

Hospice care. A term I've become all too familiar with, as hospice was involved when Elmer passed away last year. You only get hospice care when you have "less than six months to live" according to the doctors.

I'm speechless, and immediately, my thoughts turn to something I wrote in a letter several years ago regarding living with regret. Perhaps living in the same city as the world renown Mayo Clinic I am exposed to more illness and suffering than someone living in podunk USA, but it seems like every time I turn around, I hear about someone dying. A mother, an uncle, a grandparent, a friend.... a child. I wonder, when I hear these stories, how many of those dealing with a the devastation of losing someone are also dealing with regret.

I should have said..... I shouldn't have done..... I could have.... I never did..... words you must live with for the rest of your own time on earth. Living with regret is a very difficult thing, as it's not something that really goes away. It's almost as if it develops a personality and sticks its ugly tongue out at you, because it knows that it's too late for you to do anything about the past.

When I think about Bill and his sweet brother, my heart weeps such bitter tears, as I know they don't have much time to do and say everything necessary to prevent having to live (or pass on) with regret looming over them. Why do we wait so long? Why does it take a crisis to get us to move?

My mother informed me last night that she told one of our relatives that I don't have time to talk on the phone anymore because I'm so busy. So I ask myself, "Self.... do you REALLY want to live with the regret of having not spent more time on the phone with your mom?" The answer is a definitive NO. I am planning on having my mother around for many, many years to come, but there really is no guarantee is there? If (and God, I would really appreciate not being tested in this area) something were to happen to her today or tomorrow, would I be satisfied and content that I did all I could to show her how much I love and value her?

It's simple. I must improve. Same with my dad, same with my brother, my grandmother, my friends. I must improve! I want them to know without a shadow of a doubt that I love them more than air. I must get back to taking advantage of every opportunity I am given to say, "I love you. You are valuable to me. I am glad you are in my life."

I encourage you as well, to find the time you need to say all you must say, and do all you must do to show people how much you love them. YOU are the one who has to live with regret. Do all you can to avoid it - even if it means stretching yourself beyond your emotional comfort zone, and for goodness sake, don't wait for the crisis to be your catapult!

With that, I remain.... I love you all. You are valuable to me, and I am glad you're in my life.

November 3, 2008

Why Are We Doing What We're Doing?

You know.... I am puzzled by something.... I am perplexed.... I am contemplating....

I was going through some different blog sites today. We are free to exercise our First Amendment rights.... say what you want.... believe what you want, and I do appreciate reading the thoughts of other people. Blogs are good for that sort of thing.

However, why is it that more often than not, I see people taking another person's opinion as Gospel truth? WHY are we not studying for ourselves? I may have commentaries about different subjects, but is my story something to base your beliefs on, or is someone else's story something I should base MY beliefs on? How do you know the "story" is true? How do you know it hasn't been altered? You find the source, that's how!

There's a game that nearly everyone I know has played at one time or another. It's called Telephone. One person whispers a sentence into another's ear, and it gets passed down the line until the last person almost always has a completely different version than what was originally said. Very rarely do the two versions match up, with the exception of maybe a couple of words.

While this is a game most often played in youth groups or classrooms, is it not the same in life? Stories get altered, so we must be careful what we base our "truth" on when passing along tales. Every story told, or thing relayed to be fact, is subject to opinion and perspective, as well as communication gaps. We must learn to go back to the original source from which it came to find the truth for ourselves.

Now, don't get me wrong here, I do not claim to be the perfect eternal student who spends hours and hours buried in books, but I at least give it a few counts before I buy into something. My eyes do a short bobble, and I am immediately on alert when the words, "Hey, did you know that...." come out of someone's mouth. I am working diligently to make sure I don't believe something just because someone, somewhere said it was true. Does that make me skeptical? Maybe, but I'd rather be skeptical and than mindless.

Unfortunately, my diatribe comes from my own experience in the Christian world. Yes, I am a believer in God, and the overwhelming love He has for everyone on this earth, but I am not a dogmatic believer in denominations, nor am I prone to fall for religious opinions without studying them first. I want to know WHY I'm doing what I'm doing, or what's the point of doing it at all?

I had a very interesting conversation with an eleven-year old last year that revolved around something her Sunday school teacher was attempting to indoctrinate into the kids in her class. The student was very indignant, and rightly so, I suppose. Her teacher was talking about the wrongness of people with a certain style of dress, specifically, the "goth" style. For the sake of time, we will take the term, "goth" to mean just that, a style, rather than what Gothic really means, though you may consider studying it for yourself, as it's very fascinating.

When confronted with this teacher's (good-hearted) intentions to convince her students that wearing skulls and having tattoos is wrong, and that people who wear them are bad, the youngster attempted to ask questions that would upset religious mindsets world wide. "Why do you say it is wrong? Aside from modesty, isn't God more interested in our hearts than what we wear?" And then came the real controversy, "Why are you saying that tattoos are wrong? My other teacher has tattoos and she's a good Christian who loves Jesus."

Oh boy.

Like so many other Christians do, Ms. Teacher simply opened up her Bible to Leviticus 19:28 and read, "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD." So, the story goes on and the young girl eventually ended up having an interesting discussion with her teacher, and later her parents and me.

The average person would take Ms. Teacher's quote of scripture, agree with it and pass it on as absolute truth. This is a problem. While I am not negating the truth of the Bible, I am rather disillusioned by the perspective and opinion of Ms. Teacher who has obviously not gone back to the origin, nor the context of said scripture to find its true meaning. She is believing something, but doesn't know why, or where it came from in the first place, and she's passing it along as fact.

I don't dare to venture down the path of theological debate, but seriously.... do we honestly think that there were people running around with inked-up needles, drawing hearts, roses and "I love Mom" on the various appendages of people in Old Testament times? Of course not. Read it - study it - find out for yourself what that scripture and context really mean. I bet you'll be surprised.

I heard a story (yes, a story) once, and I have no idea whether it's a true story or a creative illustration from someone's mind, but it has fantastic application to this post.


There was a lady who was going to cook a ham one day. She took the ham out, cut the end of it off and put it in the pan. Her husband, curious enough to ask, quizzed her with, "Honey, why do you cut the end off of the ham?"

His wife simply stated, "I don't know, that was the way my mother always did it."

Dear hubby, still inquisitive, called the mother, and asked her, "My wife says you always cut the end off of a ham before you cook it, and I was just wondering why?"

The mother also stated, "I don't know, that was the way my mother always did it."

Still determined, he called Grandma. "Grandma, I've been told that you always cut the end off of a ham before you cook it, and I was just wondering, why?"

"Well," she replied, "I always had a small pan, and cutting the end off was the only way I could get it to fit."


You may interpret this story however you wish, but the reality is, we must know why we are doing what we're doing, or there really is NO point in doing it! We should be ready to give an answer for what we believe in, and if we don't know the answer, we should not be mindless about it, but rather, challenge ourselves to study and find out what we truly believe and WHY we believe those things.

Of course, I could be just another babbling blogger with an opinion. *shrug*

SWD #5

FOR TODAY (November 3, 2008)...

Outside My Window... Mother Nature is exacting her wrath on me as it is STILL going to be above 70 degrees again!! Oy.

I am thinking... about how I did not enjoy my bagel with tomato this morning.

I am thankful for... my mother. She has such an amazing heart.

From the kitchen... my best friend says she stole my rice-a-roni. I think she's crazy.

I am wearing... black pants, a black shirt, black earrings and awesome black boots (they have AWESOME shoe noise).

I am creating... a list of things I have to get done this week.

I am going... to try to get my mom's birthday present to her on time this year.

I am reading... no... I am not reading. I haven't had time to read in the last week!

I am hoping... to not burn my tongue on this cup of coffee that is tempting me.

I am hearing... construction noise outside, and the voice in my head that is telling me it is okay to take a break and not get buried.

Around the house... I should probably tidy up a bit. Not being home makes for stuff dumped wherever it lands!

One of my favorite things... getting up early the day after Thanksgiving to go shopping with Tammy and Kristin. Only three and a half more weeks!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Making contact with Words Players people, and getting all that stuff organized.
Um.... I don't know what else.... haven't written it all down yet!

Here is picture thought I am sharing... for the last six years, I have photographed my best friend's kids. This year, I'm doing a little experimenting with black and white, so here is one of the latest pictures of Caleb. He's such a handsome kid, and I love the contrast of his perfect skin with the black background.