August 26, 2011

The Lyrics of Life #5

Out my window, I see... the beautiful day... looks like it's going to rain. I love rain!

I am pondering... The shallowness of the business world. It seems to be all about how you dress and who you know. I HATE that. It's so maddening to see people judged by their appearance and connections. What the heck difference does it make if you get the job done??? Geez.

Looking forward to... Payday. That's always a plus.

I am grateful for... my bestest friend, Stacey. She is just amazing.

Something I have learned recently... It's not that I learned it recently, but I was recently reminded that Christians can be some of the most harsh, judgmental, people. It's really sad when you see more of God's character in atheists than you do in Christians. Oy.

An awesome quote... "I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." ~ Pablo Picasso

I love... tomatoes. I just love them.

It would appear that... most people are more comfortable being charged for something than taking it for free. Odd.

I am hearing... my own thoughts twisting about in my head.

Something musical... I lost one of the music books I really like. Can't for the life of me figure out what I did with it. So frustrating.

Around my house... I really want to reorganize the stuff in my kitchen cabinets. We'll see if I'm actually motivated to follow through.

One of my favourite things... Watching the trees turn from green to their gorgeous fall colours. Aaahhhh.

Five random things that have happened this week:
1. Got to go to Thursdays on First AND the Farmer's Market.

2. I got to go straight home from work and STAY there several days this week. I don't even remember the last time that happened.

3. Sat in traffic through 9 green lights. Exciting, I know.

4. Got a phone call to photograph a cactus blossom. Said blossoms don't last very long, I guess.

5. Started making plans for the great Minnesota Get Together. Junk food on a stick. W

Picture of the day... The cactus blossom. It's actually pretty cool.

August 19, 2011

The Lyrics of Life #4

Yes, I know.... I've been only SLIGHTLY sporadic at writing here. For those of you asking, I'll try to do better. :o)

Out my window, I see... a barbecue grill, a table, and a very bright, sunny day.

I am pondering... Regret. Specifically with how little we tell people we love them, cherish them, need them. Life can change so fast. SO fast. We DO NOT KNOW how our next minute will be spent. How their next minute will be spent... whether we'll see them again.... How are we going to feel if something happens to them, and our last words were empty, or angry? More than that, though, are we picking your battles carefully, and doing our best to live peacefully? I have many thoughts on this subject. Perhaps that's another post.

Looking forward to... the Farmer's Market with my dear friend, Jennifer, and then a lovely breakfast with Kristin.

I am grateful for... the surprise visit I was able to pull off on my mom. She had NO idea I was going to show up in Ohio, and it was fabulous. What a great time we had.

Something I have learned recently... 

An awesome quote... "The best way to become boring is to say everything." ~Voltaire

Today's duds... Boring. Shirt. Capris. Shoes. Bleh.

I love... watching someone's passion come out. Whatever it is, however it works. Love it.

It would appear that... despite the protest of most people I know, autumn is indeed on its way. My favourite time of year. Ahhhh....

I am hearing... my computer humming, and the air conditioner running.

Something musical... I still need to find an outlet for singing. And I need to start playing the piano more often. And the guitar. I desperately need a keyboard in my house.

Around my house... Well... the little tootsie rolls in the litter box are going to start migrating if I don't clean them out soon. That would be the goal this weekend, among other things. Oh, I'm sorry... was that too much information???  :o)

One of my favourite things... Oswald Chambers, though, technically, he's not a thing. He was such a wise man.

Five random things that have happened this week:
1. Someone gave me a can of whole tomatoes as a sarcastic gift. It was awesome.

2. Despite my Scottish heritage, I attended the Irish Fair in the twin cities. It was great fun.

3. I was able to photograph (at stage level) a concert of The High Kings
. What a blast! If you like Irish, Celtic music, you'll love these guys.

4. August 18th marked my twelve-year anniversary at my job. I love what I do! It also marked my two-year anniversary of back surgery. I guess I've come pretty far. Just wish my gimpy foot would work.

5. I enjoyed the cooler weather so much that I started nesting for winter. I'm so excited!

Picture of the day... One of the shots of The High Kings... Love them.