July 6, 2009

SWD #37


FOR TODAY (July 6, 2009)...

Outside my window... it's hot. And humid. Hot and humid. Yeah.

I am thinking... about my family, and what a difficult time they're dealing with, watching someone die. Been there...... it's so hard....

I am STILL hoping... Grandpa Don doesn't suffer too much during his last hours.....

I am thankful for... some much needed time off coming up.

From the kitchen... trying not to make anything this week. Refrigerator needs to be empty before I leave for NM.

I am wearing... loose clothing, as not to scratch the sunburn.

I am creating... two lists... packing and to-do.

I am hearing... someone is making copies. My stomach is growling. The air conditioner is running.

Around the house... just packing and getting ready for the trip.

One of my favourite things... good, captivating performances.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Packing and getting things ready to go.

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing... I found Allige snuggled into my bed the other day, and thought he was too cute to pass up. Also, MJ, sleeping with her blankie curled up underneath her chin.... she was very sweet.