October 27, 2008

SWD #4


FOR TODAY (October 27, 2008)...

Outside My Window... it's 36 degrees, and there's a HUGE pile of leaves that blew against the door last night.

I am thinking... about melancholy personalities. If you're a melancholy, it's very difficult to see the bright side of things.

I am thankful for... my health, as I watch people around me start to fall apart.

From the kitchen... I am enjoying a very, very hot cup of coffee in my favourite mug. It keeps things hot for hours and hours, and holds a cold drink with ice for more than 24 hours.

I am wearing... black palazzo pants, hunter green turtleneck, long black jacket/sweater thingy and my awesome Sketcher shoes.

I am creating... a list in my mind of the top sayings that most single people hate to hear.

I am going... to straighten the table in my living room.

I am STILL reading... the same things I was reading the last time I listed what I was reading. *snort*

I am hoping... to remember to savour the autumn days, since they are my favourite.

I am hearing... the ticking clock, the wind whistling wildly outside, my own thoughts racing about on the motorcross track of my mind.

Around the house... I have clothes hanging everywhere because they needed more dry time.

One of my favorite things... is hearing hundreds of people singing together. So powerful.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
I have no idea right now. Things have to be left open for last minute details on Halloween stuff.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
I had to share two pictures today. I was driving to work one morning last week and was struck by the beauty of the fall colours. I whipped out my phone and, of course, completely legally, snapped a couple of shots of the road I was on. I thought that, even though they aren't the best quality, they were worth looking at.

1 comment:

4ddintx said...

Your Fall foliage pictures are great! I miss the true turning of leaves that you get up North. Here, leaves just turn brown and fall off the trees...
