October 27, 2008

101 Things You Probably Never Wanted to Know About Me...

Jocelyn Dixon (aponderingheart.com) posted 101 facts about herself on her blog, and I liked it so much, I thought I'd use it (I hope you don't mind, Jocelyn). Be prepared for the unusual, along with very candid honesty.

1. I used to hate the spelling of my name, but now I like it.

2. Black is my favourite colour.

3. It irritates the daylights out of me when people say, "You should wear something other than black." I don't tell people who wear a lot of red that they should wear something other than red.

4. I have a very emotional and affectionate cat.

5. I am more like my mother than I thought (not that it's a bad thing!).

6. I hate being late. On time to me is 5 minutes early.

7. I refuse to have a "picture of Jesus" in my house. I don't believe they're ever realistic.

8. I leave my windows open in the winter.

9. I prefer cloudy days over sunshine.

10. I have a 7-foot pine tree in my living room.

11. My blood type is very rare.

12. I like Mountain Dew icees.

13. My brother, dad and mom are my three heroes. All three have overcome tremendous obstacles in their lives and come out as amazing people.

14. There are only three people that truly know who I am.

15. My phone rarely rings unless people want something from me.

16. I lived in multiple foster homes as a child.

17. I have hazel eyes.

18. I like vegetables WAY more than I like sweets.

19. I wear white gold or silver, but NEVER yellow gold.

20. I am attempting to grow my hair out to my butt since I've never done it before.

21. I think it's very weird that I just typed the words "my butt" in a blog.

22. Last Christmas, some dear friends gave me 17-place settings of bavarian china, with serving dishes and all. It made me cry.

23. I cry a lot when I'm alone.

24. I have three tattoos, and would like one or two more.

25. I have accidentally ripped out my nose ring more than once.

26. I LOVE log cabins.

27. Someday, I would like to write a book, but probably never will.

28. I let people intimidate and control me way too much.

29. I name nearly everything.

30. My Trailblazer's name is Julia. My acoustic guitar's name is Beauregard the Second.

31. I play many musical instruments, but I can't read music.

32. I can't stand the words purse, bless or special.

33. Unless I have a child, I am the end of my dad's bloodline.

34. According to "the tests", my personality type makes up less than 2% of the population.

35. I can "see through" people very easily.

36. I absolutely LOVE senior citizens.

37. I don't feel like I have value to anyone.

38. I despise shallow chit chat.

39. I can make up songs, poems and stories on the spot.

40. My brother's IQ is higher than mine.

41. My IQ is 144.

42. Math makes me angry.

43. I have more than 60 pairs of shoes.

44. I love jet black hair.

45 I can whistle and hum at the same time.... sometimes in harmony.

46. I collect watches. I currently have 112.

47. I get very frustrated when I drop my keys.

48. I drop my keys a lot.

49. I buy bottled water.

50. I listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies throughout the year.

51. I think faster than almost anyone I know.

52. I react well in emergencies.

53. I analyze everything to death.

54. I am considering going back to vegetarianism.

55. My brother is one of my best friends.

56. My bathroom is currently decorated in Coca-Cola stuff.

57. I like sarcastic humor.

58. I can't look at certain kinds of clowns - they're scary.

59. My favourite number is 10.

60. My least favourite number is 11 - I try hard not to look at it.

61. It bugs me when people pronounce nuclear, "nuke-you-lar", and realtor, "real-a-tor". Minnesotans are notorious for the latter.

62. I wish I could have a garden and grow my own vegetables.

63. It makes me physically ill when I see people suffering.

64. I've coached for two human births.

65. I love my sister-in-law.

66. I love photographing people.

67. I think Carol Burnett is absolutely brilliant.

68. I own a nativity set made up of black bears.

69. I like cartoons. Garfield, Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry are my favs.

70. I don't believe in mindless obedience (except in some cases where authority plays a role).

71. I don't allow myself to dream, because I've discovered that dreams rarely come true.

72. I get VERY angry when people pick on other people.

73. My parents got married on April Fool's day. They are divorced.

74. I like living in the city. I don't think I would survive in the country.

75. In the past year, there have been multiple shootings, and two murders in my neighborhood.

76. I have a tendency to road rage.

77. Going to Wal-Mart with my best friend is one of my favourite things to do.

78. I rode a passenger train for the first time two years ago with my mom. It was awesome.

79. My brother and I have hash browns, wheat toast and coffee when we go out to breakfast together.

80. I count in my head, not out loud.

81. I am told I look like my grandmother. I am also told I look like my dad. I am ALSO told I look like my mom. I guess that makes me a mutt.

82. Frequently, when I look into peoples' eyes, they get all wiggly and ask me "What are you seeing?"

83. My cat hogs the bed, and I would rather be uncomfortable than have him move.

84. I rarely make my bed. It's hard to make yourself into a burrito when your covers are all tucked in.

85. I am learning how to stand up for myself. Believe it or not, that's not an easy thing to do when you're short.

86. About eight years ago, someone told me that my looks are the thorn in my side, and that if it weren't for what I look like, I would be famous. That has never left me. I doubt it ever will.

87. I love the smell of cedar.

88. I am very good at tap dancing.

89. I think I have a stupid laugh.

90. I do NOT like doing dishes.

91. I have an amazing stepmother. She's kind, gentle and loving, but I have no doubts that she could kick some serious butt.

92. I am sometimes too independent.

93. I am a true introvert.

94. One of my pet peeves is when someone says they're going to do something and doesn't do it.

95. I like a good musical number.

96. When I see a spider, I get light-headed.

97. I love the way my dad laughs.

98. I have been thrown from a horse many times.

99. I've only been in one fist fight in my life. I had a black-out moment of rage, so I don't remember it, but I walked away unscathed while the other girl ended up with two black eyes and a scar.

100. I can leg press more than 700 pounds.

101. I am me. What you see is what you get.


Pamella said...

I have never blogged in my life. Here it goes. #7 I refuse to have a "picture of Jesus" in my house. I don't believe they're ever realistic. I have two pictures - never really thought about what you said before. One of my pictures is when Jesus was a little boy. When I look at it - it makes me wonder what he really looked like when he was little or when he was teenager....

Anonymous said...

#3 is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Make that #73.

Erik said...

#20 I did that once, after I abandoned a way-too-important goal that had consumed me up to that point. I tried to do it again after another really huge change in my life, but only got down to the middle of my back. If you do cut it after growing it out, don't warn your co-workers. The double-takes are priceless.