January 12, 2009

SWD #15


FOR TODAY (January 12, 2009)...

Outside my window... It's snowing pretty hard. We're supposed to be in for a large dump of snow and sub-zero temps. I don't mind, though. I am one of the few people I know who REALLY enjoy winter.

I am thinking... about how much I miss my mother.

I am thankful for... one more day with the people I care about. Life is not guaranteed, and you just never know when you're going to lose someone.

From the kitchen... I'm thinking something warm and cozy is in order for dinner.

I am wearing... black pants, pink turtleneck, black shirt, awesome earrings, funky pink and purple socks.

I am going... to be very busy over the next three weeks.

I am reading... the bills. Not much fun.

I am hoping... to stop the clock. If only I hadn't left my super powers at home.

I am hearing... people making funeral arrangements for their 101-year old mother who just passed away.

Around the house... I still haven't put all the Christmas stuff away. I may just leave it sitting on the floor for the next 10 months.

One of my favorite things... my cat. He's simply amazing.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Check in with some people on house sitting duties.

Here is picture thought I am sharing... My friend and I were able to make candy before Christmas. Here's a pic of the chocolate covered cherries and peanut butter cups. I think we made a little over 400 pieces this year. Yum!


Anonymous said...

HOLY COW....you are already on #15 ....I think you are ahead of me. HAHA..I'm so glad you started this blog, I enjoy stopping by and reading what is going on with you! I know I dont' always leave a comment but I did today!

Twilights1Fan said...

Hi Jen,
I was wondering about the comment you left for me on my blog. Jennifersfriendsnests.blogspot.com
I am not sure if the nest code you left for me was already posted or if it's yours and a new nest code. Also I am curious as to weather you could see my post page with the codes listed on them? I did have a nest with the wrong coding small (b) and not a capital (B) for externalBaskets. LOL I would appreciate any assistance you want to offer.
My e-mail address is: JRAlderton72@aol.com
My facebook name is:
Jennifer R. Owens Alderton
please friend request me if you are a facebook member just add Hatchlings as a message. Thanks.