November 10, 2008

SWD #6

FOR TODAY (November 10, 2008)...

Outside my window... it's a balmy 25 degrees and the sun is shining.

I am thinking... about how I failed to get my mother's birthday present to her on time.

I am thankful for... her forgiveness.

From the kitchen... I made brownies last night, and they tasted like carboard. I'm thinking I won't buy that brand again. You'd think Ghirardelli would have been better.

I am wearing... black turtleneck, black and grey palazzo pants, black boots and a black beret.

I am creating... a sign-up sheet for volunteer opportunities.

I am going... to attempt to get my remote starter installed in my truck before winter gets here.

I am reading...nope.... still no time to read.

I am hoping... to force myself to go home tonight and just be there.

I am hearing... the heater running in the background, and the clock ticking. It's nice and quiet for the moment.

Around the house... I am going through old cassette tapes to see what I should keep and what I should throw away.

One of my favorite things... is cozying up at home with my lumberjack jammies on, the fireplace going, the lights on the trees (yes, I have many pine trees in my house) glowing softly, and cinnamon candles mixed with some balsam fir incense wafting through the rooms.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Must make up Christmas lists and get them to my momala.
Must also get momala's birthday present to her.... late.... as usual. *sigh*

Here is picture thought I am sharing... I walked out of my friend's house last night and discovered my truck like this. I'm not exactly sure what I did to make the little birdies angry with me, but they have definitely made a statement. I stopped counting the poop splotches when I got to 75. (One wonders WHY I bothered counting them in the first place, right?) I've never seen anything like it. Too bad it wasn't the bluebird of happiness - today I'd be high on life. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah...the beauty of remote starters...