May 18, 2009

SWD #33

FOR TODAY (May 18, 2009)...

Outside my window... 64 degrees. Supposed to get hot and humid. Yuck. I can't wait for summer to be over and it hasn't even started yet.

I am thinking... about an old friend of mine who's in ICU at the hospital after a kidney transplant.

I am hoping... that my mother's trip goes well, with no complications. And NO sickness!!

I am thankful for... doctors that listen to you and not just think they know everything.

From the kitchen... nothing is coming from the kitchen right now. Have been too sick to cook, and I have no time this week.

I am wearing... black pants, hunter green shirt, awesome sandals.

I am creating... greeter charts. Joy.

I am hearing... the computers humming, the clock ticking, the wind blowing outside.

Around the house... Mom is coming..... time to clean!!

One of my favourite things... my mother coming to visit. Yay! Three days till arrival!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Camp fundraiser.
Clean house.
Church kids party.
Mom arrives.

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing... I had to share TWO pictures this week. The first one is my very first tasting of creme brulee', which was out of this world good. Wowza. My best friend's son made it last night... yumyumyumyumyum. The second picture is lame, but fun. We were making potato salad over the weekend and there was teeny, tiny pickle in the jar - only as big as a quarter. So cute. I know, I know..... I really DO have a life. Sort of. :o)


Jennifer Wallace said...

I usually check out your facebook and see what you're up to! Today I saw you had added me to twitter....which I didn't even know you had and I haven't used it forever. Anyway, I saw your blog and really enjoyed reading your SWD! I'm glad you are feeling better than were last week !'


Elijah said...

"I am thankful for... doctors that listen to you and not just think they know everything."

Amen! I've quoted you here: :)