February 23, 2009

SWD #21


FOR TODAY (February 23, 2009)...

Outside my window... It's 1 degree. I guess my magic button worked, because we got 6 inches of snow and the temperature dropped again. I'm probably the only person who's happy about that.

I am thinking... about the day, and what it holds.

I am thankful for... a job. So many people don't have one right now.

From the kitchen... I actually bought groceries last night. Now I'll be able to have lunch this week. Joy. Rapture.

I am wearing... oh... just clothes.... nothing exciting.

I am creating... plans for a lock-in. Should be fun this year.

I am reading... nope. I still have a newspaper from February 14th that I haven't read.

I am hearing... someone rumbling around upstairs, and the computer humming.

Around the house... the cat will be hungry when I get home. I just realized that I forgot to replenish his food. He still had a little bit left, but he eats a lot.

One of my favourite things... winter.... and I intend to hold on to it and enjoy it as long as I possibly can.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Yeah.... I don't know.

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing... one of my hobbies is photography. This is one of the latest pictures of Kristin that I took. She's so easy to photograph, because she's so beautiful.

1 comment:

Megs said...

LOL If you like Brett Dennen, he and his friend Angel Taylor will be performing at the Hard Rock Cafe for free around 5pm. Check out the Cities97 website for details! It's under "New Music Mondays." (If you don't know Brett Dennen, there's a link on my blog!)
Have a great day!