June 22, 2012

Bullying... It's Not Just for Kids!

Several years ago, I was sitting at a piano playing a song I wrote. There was a couple standing by listening, and when I finished, the husband said this to me:

"Michele, your looks are the thorn in your side. If you didn't look like this, you'd be famous."

I've never forgotten it. And, truth be told, I've tried, but have never recovered from it.

We hear so much these days about kids bullying other kids, and most recently, kids bullying a sweet old grandma, but really, where does it start? What's the example? Hey... guess what.... adults are not exempt from this behavior.

I was badly picked on, and sometimes gang bullied as a kid from elementary school, all the way up through high school, and then on into college. And now, as an adult, people say stuff to me ALL THE TIME about the way I dress, or how ugly I am. It's true. I'm sick of it. So.... I have a couple of things to say....

First... to the adults who think it's okay to say mean things to others about their looks or whatever...


Seriously. Shut up. Shut your mouth. You are NOT better than anyone else, nor does your style, education, self-righteousness or status put you at a higher level than others. Just because it's different, doesn't make it wrong. Your mother was right... if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Before you decide to bully someone else, look at your own life and how much grace you require. Think about the times people have said mean things to you or about you, and how it made you feel.... and shut up! You don't get to decide what's right or wrong for someone else... it's not your job. Your life is yours. Their life is theirs. Stop criticizing their shoes, their hair, their clothes, their choices, even if you don't agree with it. People like me are sick of hearing about how bad we suck. Shut. Up!

Second... to the adults who are on the receiving end of this kind of thing...


If you're like me, and you've been bullied for a long time, you know that we tend to just "take it" when it comes to stuff like this. We've taken it for a long time, and it's destroying us. It's time to speak up. It's time to silence the voices of criticism and rely on the truth of the One who made us. You are NOT trash. You are NOT ugly. You are NOT worthless. You are NOT stupid. God did NOT put you on this earth to be put down and crushed by ruthless words. Your decisions are between you and Him, and nobody else gets to decide your path for you. Be YOU. You are beautiful and important as you are, NOT as someone else thinks you should be. Be brave. Plant your feet and stand strong. It's okay to say you don't want to hear it anymore. Speak. Up!

So. Yeah.

If we're going to go on preaching rampages about kids bullying other kids, then we should probably look deep into our own lives and figure out where they're learning this behavior. A lot of people are thinking it... I just happen to be the one saying it today.

Shut. Up.
Speak. Up.



Vicki Tiede said...

Well said, girlfriend. Well said. And BTW ... those who have said you are ugly are blind.

Yehuda said...

i'm so sorry someone said that to you. there are things said to us all that continue to haunt us. for me it was that i am a bad mother because i have a kid like josh. i will never forget those words or the person who spoke them. your style is you. and i love you no matter what clothes you wear. you are beautiful and your heart is full of love.