May 27, 2013

The Goathead.

Hey... Minnesota.... you know how awesome that grass feels underneath your feet, and between your toes? Well.... try taking a stroll through the grass down here in Carlsbad. G'head. Try.

Allow me to introduce you to the goathead.

No, it's not the actual head of a goat. It's a small, pea-sized "sticker" that lies, unnoticed, in the yard. That is, until you step on it with your bare feet. OR... until you step on it with a rubber-soled shoe, then drag it into the house, where it sticks in the carpet and THEN you step on it with your bare feet.

Nasty little suckers, let me tell you. First, they stick in your feet. Then, they hurt like crazy when you pull them out. THEN, after you've removed them from your feet, you get this painfully annoying ITCH. Ugh. So obnoxious.

Oh, and did I mention that if you pull them out the wrong way, you just end up pulling out the body of the sticker, and leaving the thorn behind?

Many a cuss word has been uttered over these tiny nuisances. Many a tear has been shed. Many a howl has been yelped, for even the animals aren't exempt from their wrath. If you see a dog limping through the yard, you can almost guarantee that he has stickers in his feet.

I cannot express the loathing I feel when I see/feel/remove these stupid things.

The goathead.

By the way, all those goatheads in that picture above.... are from one shoe.... one trip outside. Ready to go for a walk??

Here... as an added bonus, I give you the yard weed to enhance your stroll even further.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will never miss those little buggers... one of the lesser 'joys' of the South....