July 29, 2011

The Lyrics of Life #3

Out my window, I see... freshly cut grass. A wonderful sight, and it smells great, too!

I am pondering... something a friend said to me yesterday (that her daughter said to her). "Comparing our troubles to others, even when it's a 'good' comparison, is denying God's path for us." I think she's on to something here. Maybe when we try to minimize what we're dealing with or feeling, we are limiting the whole experience God has for us. Perhaps when we face it, feel it to extreme depths, "get in the mud" with it, we'll find ourselves getting to know a whole new aspect of God's character. That's so interesting to think about.

Looking forward to... sleep this weekend. Sleep is good. Sleep is swell.

I am grateful for... the time I've had with my nephew over the past month. He is such an amazing kid, and I'm so glad he's been able to spend so much time with me.

Something I have learned recently... well..... I've learned that I still have so much to learn. It just never stops, does it? You can learn and learn and learn and still never learn it all.

An awesome quote... "The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think." ~Aristotle

Today's duds... Black Words Players shirt, black capris, clear Chucks, plaid socks.

I love... building deep relationships.

It would appear that... my poor little tomato plant is on its way out. It's given me some good fruit, but I think the end is near.

I am hearing... my thoughts... they're taking over the air space in my head. Wait.... uh..... that can't be right.

Something musical... I have discovered that I really don't care for "The Music Man" as a whole. The Words Players kids are phenomenal, but it's just not my favourite musical.

Around my house... Josiah and I will be spending some time cleaning tomorrow, just to catch up from the week.

One of my favourite things... having a deep, rich conversation with someone. Forget the weather talk. Let's dig deep and really talk. Love it.

Five random things that have happened this week:
1. Josiah beat me in a vicious match of Hungry, Hungry Hippos.

2. I got some collectors glasses as a gift from a good friend, bringing my total of them to 44. Yay!

3. I was reminded how much I love my friends. I am so fortunate.

4. I got a push broom at an auction for $5. I was very excited. I had NO idea push brooms were so stinking expensive in the stores. Those suckers are $20!

5. One of my good friends made it home safely after being gone for five weeks. Happy. :o)

Picture of the day... this is what happens when my good friend goes away for five weeks...

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