June 10, 2011

The Lyrics of Life

I used to participate in this thing called, "The Simple Woman's Daybook," which was a weekly recording of random happenings in one's life. However, I got out the habit, and truth be told, I am the farthest thing from "simple" anyway. People keep telling me they miss the weekly update, SO.... I'll do my own version, and see how it goes each week.

Out my window, I see... a gorgeous cloudy sky, and the trees blowing in the breeze. Delicious day.

I am pondering... whether or not flies wish they had sunglasses.

Looking forward to... vacation. I really need some time to just chill. No deadlines. Just relaxing.

I am grateful for... my new house. I am so.... dare I say it?..... blessed. Oy.

Something I have learned recently... if you have a bush outside your house that you want to trim, wear gloves. It could have sharp, pointy things on it. And they could tear up your arms.

An awesome quote... "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today's duds... jeans, red long-sleeved shirt, chucks. Very comfy.

I love... that I have a tomato plant of my own. Next year, I'm going to try to plant more veggies. VEGGIES!!!

It would appear that... I won't have another free night till the end of June. I love being busy and active!

I am hearing... the sound of a machine running.

Something musical... I would really, REALLY like a keyboard in my house, so I can play again.

Around my house... I have to learn how to get out of my new house. It's not as easy as you think when you've been used to living with only one entrance and no garage for ten years.

One of my favourite things... capturing people and things and emotions through the camera. LOVE.

Five random things that have happened this week:
1. I discovered that what I thought was rhubarb was only skunk cabbage. Thanks to Mark and Libby for that revelation.

2. I went to the movie, "Soul Surfer". It was pretty good. Inspiring.

3. I made a complete fool of myself in an audition. Classic.

4. I won popsicle maker things at a bridal shower. Woot.

5. I broke my shoe in a rehearsal. It's tragic. My most comfy pair of Chucks.

Picture of the day... I love this picture of Audrey. I had pictured it in my head and asked her to pose for it, and it turned out better than I thought it would.

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