January 5, 2009

SWD #14


FOR TODAY (January 5, 2009)...

Outside my window... It's amazing how 27 degrees can feel HOT.

I am thinking... about what a superdork I am for posting an SWD on Friday, thinking it was Monday.

I am thankful for... the truth, and that when you know the truth inside your heart, no one can take it away from you no matter how hard they try.

From the kitchen... I made a pie. It was lovely. I ate the pie. The whole pie.

I am wearing... blue turtleneck, black shirt, black pants, funky socks, black shoes.

I am going... to have to face the fact that my dear friends are leaving for three months. *sigh*

I am reading... what other people have to say on their blogs.

I am hoping... to purchase a new computer in the next few months. We'll see how it goes.

I am hearing... the clanging of my bracelets on the desk.

Around the house... my cat yakked on the bed.... and the towel.... and my stinking slippers. Cat yak. On my slippers. Awesome.

One of my favorite things... crazy socks. Crazy socks rock.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
I don't know. I just have no idea.

Here is picture thought I am sharing... My brother and his wife own a 1912 mansion. It's so freaking awesome. Here's a picture of part of it from the back left corner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, the house was built in 1885. There is a plaque on the front by the door that states this.