January 19, 2009

SWD #16


FOR TODAY (January 19, 2009)...

Outside my window... It's warmed up to 10 degrees. The sun is shining, but somehow it seems like a very dark day.

I am thinking... about how many people died this weekend. It's part of my job to "deal" with death, but it never gets easier.

I am thankful for... the fact that right now, this minute, I still have my family and friends. Life is never guaranteed.

From the kitchen... leftover broccoli noodle goo. It's the best I could do on a moment's notice.

I am wearing... black pants, black turtleneck, red sweater, boots. Funeral clothes (Yes, Mother, I know you're not supposed to wear red to a funeral...:o)....).

I am creating... a list of thank you notes to write. I haven't gotten them done yet. Shame.

I am going... get together with my dear friend. We haven't had time together in months.

I am reading... the obituaries.

I am hearing... the church ladies making lunch for the funeral this afternoon.

Around the house... nothing to report. It's just there for now.

One of my favorite things... the mornings when I don't have to get out of my warm cozy bed until I'm good and ready. Those days are few and far between.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Two funerals today.
One funeral Thursday.
Two funerals Friday.
Happy week.

Here is picture thought I am sharing... Last week it was minus 24 degrees, with a minus 51 degree windchill, and the sun dogs (the rainbow around the sun) were the biggest and most beautiful I've ever seen. I can't believe I actually captured a decent shot with my phone camera. Who says there isn't beauty in cold weather?

1 comment:

Emmett McCarty Cullen said...

Beautiful pic! Thanks for sharing!