I recently accompanied one of my friends to the local food bank here in the city. I'd never been there before, so it was kind of exciting to see all this food sitting around for people to pick from, and especially nice when it was all free.
And then I noticed something.
As I looked at all the boxes and bags, I was surprised to find that nearly all the food was expired according to the dates on the packaging. I went about shopping with my friend, and tried to put it out of my head, but I could not remove "expired" from my thoughts.
And it continues to haunt me. I have flashed back to memories from my childhood, of the welfare bags that used to provide us with clothing. My brother and I were well stocked in brown corduroy pants, and matching ugly brown shoes - you know - the ones no one wanted. I hid my face in shame when we would go to the grocery store, because I just knew that someone from my school would see us paying for our food with food stamps, and that was the worst thing ever. They would know our secret. We were poor. We needed help. We were less than human, and didn't deserve anything more than thrown out clothes and generic brand food.
It's a strange mentality we humans have about the poor people in our country. How many times have we gone through our cabinets, and picked out all the food we don't want, or that has expired, and donated it to the food bank or to someone who "needed" it? How many times have we donated our old clothes that are ratty and have holes in them, because, well, WE certainly won't wear them any more?
Beggars can't be choosers, right? If you're poor or needing help, you take what people give you with a grateful heart, and that's that.
There is something to be said about being grateful, yes. BUT, there is something to be said about just being human as well. When you go to the store, do you buy expired food for you family, or do you check the date and make sure it's good enough for you and your people? I know I don't buy expired food, even with the realization that a lot of food lasts longer than its expiration date. So, why are we donating it for someone else to eat, just because they are struggling financially? It doesn't make any sense.
A person isn't less of a person when they find their life to be in financial crisis. It just means life is hard a lot of the time, and they need a boost.... a hand up.... compassion and understanding. They don't suddenly like expired food and torn up hand-me-downs just because things are difficult. They're just normal people like you and me, struggling to make life work.
I don't know. I guess this could expand to world wide, and there are a lot of people in the world with far worse problems than expired food. But, here in this town, I think we can do better. Just give it some thought, okay? Next time you're donating something, think about whether or not you would eat it or wear it, and if it's not "good enough" for you, maybe think twice about giving it to someone else. And, if you give food to a food bank, or to someone else, maybe think about buying the name brand - the "good stuff" instead of throwing them your expired, unwanted leftovers.
As always..... the discussion is open.....
The Weirdness of Me.
March 13, 2014
August 29, 2013
Look At Them
Yesterday, I was driving away from the grocery store, and, as is common in the city, there was a man standing in the median, holding a sign. Usually, I read the signs people are holding, but this time, I was distracted by my own racing thoughts.
I looked. I wondered. And, in a matter of seconds, these thoughts whirled through my mind. Where are you from? What life events have put you in this situation? Are you sad? What's your name? Have you eaten? Aren't you hot? Do you have water? ........ Do you have anyone who loves you?
As I drove back to work in my air conditioned SUV with ice water in hand, I began to picture all the different locations around the city where I've seen people standing with a sign in their hands. I evaluated my reaction to this gentleman, and thought, "I saw him." Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't a pat on the back for Michele - I didn't do a thing for him. I could justify it by saying that I was in the right turn lane and couldn't have gotten to him anyway, but it doesn't really matter. All I did was look at him.
I know, I know... get to the point.....
Think about this: you're driving through the city, and you get stopped at a light. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot the person holding the sign. You feel uncomfortable. You fidget with the radio. Dig in your bag. Look in the opposite direction. Put your visor down and make sure there's nothing in your eye, or no makeup that needs fixing. ANYTHING to avoid making eye contact.
And then, the inner conflict begins. "I should give them money. NO. They should get a job. They're just working the system. They're probably just spending the money on booze and cigarettes. HEY WAIT... that's not my business to judge. Do I even have cash with me? Well, maybe I could just buy them food instead...."
The light turns green.
You drive away and go about your business. You never even look. You never SEE them.
I'm challenging you to change this. Next time you pull up to a light and someone is standing there, LOOK AT THEM. Look into their eyes. See them. See past the sign, past the dirt, past your own judgment and awkwardness and SEE the person who is valuable no matter what circumstances they're living in. This is someone's child. Someone's brother or sister. They matter. Allow your heart to be tugged on in a new and uncomfortable way.
See yourself in their shoes. Feel it. Drink it in. Wrestle with your mind. Let compassion drive you. And if you do nothing more than smile and say hello, you've taken a new step to SEE.
They matter. Look at them.
I looked. I wondered. And, in a matter of seconds, these thoughts whirled through my mind. Where are you from? What life events have put you in this situation? Are you sad? What's your name? Have you eaten? Aren't you hot? Do you have water? ........ Do you have anyone who loves you?
As I drove back to work in my air conditioned SUV with ice water in hand, I began to picture all the different locations around the city where I've seen people standing with a sign in their hands. I evaluated my reaction to this gentleman, and thought, "I saw him." Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't a pat on the back for Michele - I didn't do a thing for him. I could justify it by saying that I was in the right turn lane and couldn't have gotten to him anyway, but it doesn't really matter. All I did was look at him.
I know, I know... get to the point.....
Think about this: you're driving through the city, and you get stopped at a light. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot the person holding the sign. You feel uncomfortable. You fidget with the radio. Dig in your bag. Look in the opposite direction. Put your visor down and make sure there's nothing in your eye, or no makeup that needs fixing. ANYTHING to avoid making eye contact.
And then, the inner conflict begins. "I should give them money. NO. They should get a job. They're just working the system. They're probably just spending the money on booze and cigarettes. HEY WAIT... that's not my business to judge. Do I even have cash with me? Well, maybe I could just buy them food instead...."
The light turns green.
You drive away and go about your business. You never even look. You never SEE them.
I'm challenging you to change this. Next time you pull up to a light and someone is standing there, LOOK AT THEM. Look into their eyes. See them. See past the sign, past the dirt, past your own judgment and awkwardness and SEE the person who is valuable no matter what circumstances they're living in. This is someone's child. Someone's brother or sister. They matter. Allow your heart to be tugged on in a new and uncomfortable way.
See yourself in their shoes. Feel it. Drink it in. Wrestle with your mind. Let compassion drive you. And if you do nothing more than smile and say hello, you've taken a new step to SEE.
They matter. Look at them.
May 27, 2013
The Goathead.
Hey... Minnesota.... you know how awesome that grass feels underneath your feet, and between your toes? Well.... try taking a stroll through the grass down here in Carlsbad. G'head. Try.
Allow me to introduce you to the goathead.
No, it's not the actual head of a goat. It's a small, pea-sized "sticker" that lies, unnoticed, in the yard. That is, until you step on it with your bare feet. OR... until you step on it with a rubber-soled shoe, then drag it into the house, where it sticks in the carpet and THEN you step on it with your bare feet.
Nasty little suckers, let me tell you. First, they stick in your feet. Then, they hurt like crazy when you pull them out. THEN, after you've removed them from your feet, you get this painfully annoying ITCH. Ugh. So obnoxious.
Oh, and did I mention that if you pull them out the wrong way, you just end up pulling out the body of the sticker, and leaving the thorn behind?
Many a cuss word has been uttered over these tiny nuisances. Many a tear has been shed. Many a howl has been yelped, for even the animals aren't exempt from their wrath. If you see a dog limping through the yard, you can almost guarantee that he has stickers in his feet.
I cannot express the loathing I feel when I see/feel/remove these stupid things.
The goathead.
By the way, all those goatheads in that picture above.... are from one shoe.... one trip outside. Ready to go for a walk??
Here... as an added bonus, I give you the yard weed to enhance your stroll even further.....
Allow me to introduce you to the goathead.
No, it's not the actual head of a goat. It's a small, pea-sized "sticker" that lies, unnoticed, in the yard. That is, until you step on it with your bare feet. OR... until you step on it with a rubber-soled shoe, then drag it into the house, where it sticks in the carpet and THEN you step on it with your bare feet.
Nasty little suckers, let me tell you. First, they stick in your feet. Then, they hurt like crazy when you pull them out. THEN, after you've removed them from your feet, you get this painfully annoying ITCH. Ugh. So obnoxious.
Oh, and did I mention that if you pull them out the wrong way, you just end up pulling out the body of the sticker, and leaving the thorn behind?
Many a cuss word has been uttered over these tiny nuisances. Many a tear has been shed. Many a howl has been yelped, for even the animals aren't exempt from their wrath. If you see a dog limping through the yard, you can almost guarantee that he has stickers in his feet.
I cannot express the loathing I feel when I see/feel/remove these stupid things.
The goathead.
By the way, all those goatheads in that picture above.... are from one shoe.... one trip outside. Ready to go for a walk??
Here... as an added bonus, I give you the yard weed to enhance your stroll even further.....
May 25, 2013
The Mesquite Bush
The Mesquite Bush
AKA The New Mexico Pin Striper
AKA Future Tumbleweed
AKA #!$#*%# ... that freaking HURTS!!!
I don't think there's a New Mexican person alive who hasn't been caught in the ugly snarl of the mesquite bush. They are EVERYWHERE. No, I mean EVERYWHERE. You can't walk two feet in a field without one reaching out and grabbing your pant leg... your hair... your skin. Oh, and don't think you can just untangle yourself and walk away. That's just not how it works.
I believe they work in sneaky, spiny teams. The first one snags you up, while the others lie in wait. Then, just as you think you're free, their thorny little fingers reach out and begin to devour you, leaving you striped and desperate for freedom.
If you manage to break free, you gingerly step your way back to your vehicle, throw it in reverse and get the heck out of there.
But wait!!!
That screeeeeeing you hear....? That high pitched piercing that's wreaking havoc on your poor eardrums....? THAT..... is the sound of round two of the attack. Those two inch blood sucking thorns are removing the paint from the side of your truck (Yes, TRUCK. Because why would you drive through mesquite in a car? Duh.) as you try to make your escape.
As panic sets in, you begin to drive faster. Big mistake. Round three of the genius plan is being set in motion behind the scenes, and you don't even know it's coming. You see, in cooperation with the mesquite army, the wind begins to blow, and the giant tumbleweeds (former mesquite bushes) set themselves to roll into your path. Oh, they WILL get you. Their offensive strategy is to send out the little guys first. No big deal, right? You smash those brave little martyrs, and continue on your way.
And then..... the big dog. The father of all things that tumble. Bigger than a Volkswagon Bug, it bounds its way out into the road... baboom baboom baboom........ SMASH!!!!! You hit it. You swerve all over, throw down on the brakes, throw up your heart, swallow it back again......aaaaaaaaaaand.... you're okay.
You pull over to take a breath.. you have to get out of the car a minute. You step out into the desert air, and gasp for oxygen, and even though it's a hundred and fifteen degrees, you still suck it in. Pacing back and forth, you swallow the calm and feel you can get back into your truck to carry on. You baby step your way back to the driver's side door when....... BAM. You're snagged by a mesquite bush.
Yep. Sticky little suckers.
AKA The New Mexico Pin Striper
AKA Future Tumbleweed
AKA #!$#*%# ... that freaking HURTS!!!
I don't think there's a New Mexican person alive who hasn't been caught in the ugly snarl of the mesquite bush. They are EVERYWHERE. No, I mean EVERYWHERE. You can't walk two feet in a field without one reaching out and grabbing your pant leg... your hair... your skin. Oh, and don't think you can just untangle yourself and walk away. That's just not how it works.
I believe they work in sneaky, spiny teams. The first one snags you up, while the others lie in wait. Then, just as you think you're free, their thorny little fingers reach out and begin to devour you, leaving you striped and desperate for freedom.
If you manage to break free, you gingerly step your way back to your vehicle, throw it in reverse and get the heck out of there.
But wait!!!
As panic sets in, you begin to drive faster. Big mistake. Round three of the genius plan is being set in motion behind the scenes, and you don't even know it's coming. You see, in cooperation with the mesquite army, the wind begins to blow, and the giant tumbleweeds (former mesquite bushes) set themselves to roll into your path. Oh, they WILL get you. Their offensive strategy is to send out the little guys first. No big deal, right? You smash those brave little martyrs, and continue on your way.
And then..... the big dog. The father of all things that tumble. Bigger than a Volkswagon Bug, it bounds its way out into the road... baboom baboom baboom........ SMASH!!!!! You hit it. You swerve all over, throw down on the brakes, throw up your heart, swallow it back again......aaaaaaaaaaand.... you're okay.
Yep. Sticky little suckers.
The Irrigation Ditch
So. I am visiting my "homeland" of Carlsbad, New Mexico for ten days. For those of you who are geographically challenged, Carlsbad is in the southeastern corner of New Mexico, and New Mexico IS in the United States.
Since I live in Minnesota, I thought I would gift my northern friends with some good 'ole edjercayshun on what it's like to live down here in this desert wasteland. I hope you enjoy these posts.
Today, I give you......
The Irrigation Ditch.
Now doesn't that nasty green water look delish??
Since I live in Minnesota, I thought I would gift my northern friends with some good 'ole edjercayshun on what it's like to live down here in this desert wasteland. I hope you enjoy these posts.
Today, I give you......
The Irrigation Ditch.
Now doesn't that nasty green water look delish??
Down here, in order to irrigate your crops, you go buy some water, they send it down the big canal, it gets routed to your ditch, and you irrigate from there. On SUPER hot days... you know... when it gets up to 110 or 115 degrees, you can throw your inner tube in and float down your property. Just watch your head when you go under the walk ways!
Unfortunately, with the current drought in Carlsbad, most people aren't getting a lot of water, so they really have to pick and choose which crops they irrigate. My father, who has alfalfa fields and pecan (pronounced puh-con, not pee-con or pee-CAN, which is out behind the barn for when you can't make it to the house in time) trees, is choosing to keep his trees alive and let the fields sit dormant.
Carlsbad is full of dirt farmers right now. There's plenty of that.
So, there you have it... the irrigation ditch.
February 22, 2013
Whiter than Snow
Here is a very descriptive, very intimate post, written by my guest blogger, Rebekah Young. Rebekah is a 17-year old student with lots of insight and passion. Please read and let the message soak into your heart.
As I stand here, the snow falls silently around me. The quiet is so loud it’s almost deafening. But louder still are the thoughts that go through my head. How I am full of sin. How dark and dirty. Vile and lustful, full to the brim of sinful thoughts, actions, desires. As the tears spill across my cheeks, they mix with the snowflakes that have melted there. Slowly the cold creeps up my toes, through my legs, across my hands, and up my arms, down my scalp to my nose. The filth within is overwhelming, like the cold. The thoughts rain down like the snow, but colder as they land. As despair they freeze across my heart, colder than ice. My eyes flutter open. There standing before me, a lamb, so white I can hardly see it through
the snow.
Then my eye falls on red. The deepest red I have ever seen. All around the lamb is a pool of blood. I cry out as it falls to the ground. The first sound I’ve made this whole time. Then, I feel the cold in my hand. I turn and there the ice of despair has formed a knife, which is now dripping with the lamb’s blood. I scream, and suddenly it shatters, the shards falling on the lamb. I kneel, shaking with horror. I killed this beautiful creature. All my sin and filth has run him through. I fall, my face landing in the lamb’s blood. I open my eyes and watch the snow fall. The lamb’s blood covering my shaking form.
Then I see it. White. Pure white. As I slowly look down at myself, I am fully covered in snow. Not one inch of me can be seen. All the filth covered…gone. The ice left around my heart cracks. My heart begins to beat, slowly, and then faster and faster. It begins to burn. Melting the ice inside, the despair destroyed. The cold is driven from my body, creeping from my chest, down my arms, to the tips of my fingers. Warmth, no, fire runs down my legs, coursing through my entire body. The pain is unbearable, but leaves a finish, unmatched by anything. I close my eyes, not wanting to miss one moment of this. A sudden noise jerks me from my concentration. My eyes fly open. The lamb is standing before me. My eyes fill, and spill over.
Slowly I reach out, and touch the scar where my knife has pierced his flesh. It is there. I lift my eyes to look into the lamb’s own eyes, expecting anger, hatred, murder. I am caught unawares… His eyes, are full of Love, Compassion, Mercy, and above all, Forgiveness. I fall upon his neck weeping. He speaks, his voice Kind, Loving, Strong, Powerful, Amazing, saying “You are Forgiven my child. Dry your eyes. Run to me. Learn from me. I will give you peace.” Then he leans down, and kisses my forehead. Suddenly, I am filled with a Joy so powerful, it shines through my eyes. The lamb speaks, “I have taken all of your sin. You are no longer filth, but Whiter than even the snow.”
December 11, 2012
The War on Christmas?
Guys, before I even start, try to remember this sentence as you read through this post: "I will not send Michele hate mail because of this blog post."
Feeling confident?
Yesterday, my brother and I were having a discussion about "Happy Holidays" versus "Merry Christmas". He asked me if, as a Christian, I get offended when someone says the dreaded HH phrase instead of the much preferred MC phrase.
Um. NO.
And here's why...
As a Christian, if I know what I believe, and am confident in it, I don't feel threatened by what other people have to say about it. I'm not scared of open-minded discussion, and I am certainly not going to freak out because someone wished me a happy holiday. I might even thank them and *GASP!* say it back.
Oh swooooooooon..... pray for my wicked, wicked soul.....
Seriously, people, do we really think that a phrase is ACTUALLY going to "take Christ out of Christmas" for us and the rest of the world? Are those words going to rewind time and make Jesus NOT be born? Does a "Happy Holidays" nullify the manger, the cross, the sacrifice?
It does not. Never will.
So, here's a little encouragment, a little nudge:
Instead of engaging in a battle over words, how about we engage together in a battle over hunger, or homelessness, or cures for illnesses. Let's focus our energy to bring healing to broken people, to invest in those who are lonely, to just BE THERE for each other.
And.... next time someone wishes you a happy holiday, and you're tempted to get offended... just.... don't. Smile. Extend love. And friendship. And Jesus.
I TRULY wish you a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all those other nice phrases.
Oh yeah, and remember that first sentence up there.
(Pardon the language, but look at the whole comic. It's an in-your-face picture of the message we're spreading.)
Feeling confident?
Yesterday, my brother and I were having a discussion about "Happy Holidays" versus "Merry Christmas". He asked me if, as a Christian, I get offended when someone says the dreaded HH phrase instead of the much preferred MC phrase.
Um. NO.
And here's why...
As a Christian, if I know what I believe, and am confident in it, I don't feel threatened by what other people have to say about it. I'm not scared of open-minded discussion, and I am certainly not going to freak out because someone wished me a happy holiday. I might even thank them and *GASP!* say it back.
Oh swooooooooon..... pray for my wicked, wicked soul.....
Seriously, people, do we really think that a phrase is ACTUALLY going to "take Christ out of Christmas" for us and the rest of the world? Are those words going to rewind time and make Jesus NOT be born? Does a "Happy Holidays" nullify the manger, the cross, the sacrifice?
It does not. Never will.
So, here's a little encouragment, a little nudge:
Instead of engaging in a battle over words, how about we engage together in a battle over hunger, or homelessness, or cures for illnesses. Let's focus our energy to bring healing to broken people, to invest in those who are lonely, to just BE THERE for each other.
And.... next time someone wishes you a happy holiday, and you're tempted to get offended... just.... don't. Smile. Extend love. And friendship. And Jesus.
I TRULY wish you a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all those other nice phrases.
Oh yeah, and remember that first sentence up there.
(Pardon the language, but look at the whole comic. It's an in-your-face picture of the message we're spreading.)
October 23, 2012
The Myth of Over-Sharing
I am particularly bothered by something I heard on the news recently. It was a caution to Facebookers and Twitterers everywhere about over-sharing. Don't share too much about your life through these venues, because people don't want to hear it, and they WILL make fun of you. The news caster even went on to talk about a website set up specifically to mock over-sharers, and bring shame to their posts.
Then, that same afternoon, ironically on Facebook, a young friend of mine posted about how she doesn't want to hear about the woes of people, and that "Being real is not about spilling out your woes. Being real is focusing on the good things in life. Like....awesome cold weather."
These two things got me thinking.... I wonder if Jesus agrees. I wonder if fear of over-sharing and weather talk is really how He wants us to operate. Does He want us to be critical and intolerant of the daily lives of others? As a Christian, though faaaaar from the mark, I am doing the best I can to learn and practice the loving characteristics of God. It's interesting.... I've NEVER heard Him say, "Michele, you are over-sharing and I don't want to hear it. Can we please just talk about happy things?"
So.... what gives me the right to say that to someone else?
The God I know is much more merciful and compassionate than I could ever dream of being (Psalm 103:8). So... what if I were to act with even just the teeniest bit of that compassion and stop shutting people down? What if, instead of cutting someone off, I open up my ears and my heart to hear their story? What if I extend my arms to receive them exactly as they are, and walk with them towards healing? Doesn't that seem like the more Jesus-y way?
I mean, life is hard, people. And it's painful. It just is. Our streets are filled with desperate, broken people who are struggling to survive, struggling through very complicated issues, sometimes struggling to take their next breath. If they decide to share their lives through social media or otherwise, I think that's a GOOD thing. It is one step closer to healing. Far too many of us are living bound up and closed off, because we've been told too many times that no one wants to hear it.
That just can't be right.
Here's a little reality check.... despite what we think, we are NOT the judge and jury for what people can and can't say about what's going on in their lives. Now is probably a really good time to stop shutting each other out and setting up standards for what is "too much" information, and start allowing grace, mercy and compassion to be the guide. LISTEN. Don't judge. Be real. Allow others to be real. Toss out the myth of over-sharing, and let genuine love take its place.
God is big enough to handle what people share. Are you?
Then, that same afternoon, ironically on Facebook, a young friend of mine posted about how she doesn't want to hear about the woes of people, and that "Being real is not about spilling out your woes. Being real is focusing on the good things in life. Like....awesome cold weather."
These two things got me thinking.... I wonder if Jesus agrees. I wonder if fear of over-sharing and weather talk is really how He wants us to operate. Does He want us to be critical and intolerant of the daily lives of others? As a Christian, though faaaaar from the mark, I am doing the best I can to learn and practice the loving characteristics of God. It's interesting.... I've NEVER heard Him say, "Michele, you are over-sharing and I don't want to hear it. Can we please just talk about happy things?"
So.... what gives me the right to say that to someone else?
The God I know is much more merciful and compassionate than I could ever dream of being (Psalm 103:8). So... what if I were to act with even just the teeniest bit of that compassion and stop shutting people down? What if, instead of cutting someone off, I open up my ears and my heart to hear their story? What if I extend my arms to receive them exactly as they are, and walk with them towards healing? Doesn't that seem like the more Jesus-y way?
I mean, life is hard, people. And it's painful. It just is. Our streets are filled with desperate, broken people who are struggling to survive, struggling through very complicated issues, sometimes struggling to take their next breath. If they decide to share their lives through social media or otherwise, I think that's a GOOD thing. It is one step closer to healing. Far too many of us are living bound up and closed off, because we've been told too many times that no one wants to hear it.
That just can't be right.
Here's a little reality check.... despite what we think, we are NOT the judge and jury for what people can and can't say about what's going on in their lives. Now is probably a really good time to stop shutting each other out and setting up standards for what is "too much" information, and start allowing grace, mercy and compassion to be the guide. LISTEN. Don't judge. Be real. Allow others to be real. Toss out the myth of over-sharing, and let genuine love take its place.
God is big enough to handle what people share. Are you?
September 25, 2012
Regret WILL get you.
I just want to be raw and unplugged for a few minutes. I need to hear my own words as much as I feel the need to say them to everyone around me, but what I wish right now, as I type with trembling fingers, is for you to READ this. Ponder it. Take action.
Regret is a TERRIBLE thing to live with, but for some reason, we pave a clear path for this monster to walk right in and make itself at home. It lounges on our emotional couches, feeds on our insecurities and takes advantage of our hospitable hearts. Then, without warning, it attacks and beats the living daylights out of us with weapons like "If only I had done....", "I wish I would have said...." and "I wish I could go back and...."
Let me just ask.... is this what you REALLY want? Do you REALLY want to look back on things with the deep wound of regret? How many times in your life have you done this already? Is it enjoyable?
Duh. Of COURSE it isn't.
Let's talk about relationships. What's going on in your relationships right now? Are you loving on each other? Are you taking advantage of your time together? Are you saying enough "I love you" and "I'm sorry" sort of statements? Or, are you taking people for granted, being stubborn, fighting with each other, arguing over things, or even not speaking to each other at all?
Let's get a reality check here, people. We are NOT promised tomorrow! We are not even promised the very next second. Anything could happen at any moment to any one of us and that would be it. Period. The end. We don't get a second chance at this life. Sudden death and loss happens every day of every year. We go about our normal lives and suddenly, "BAM!"... we've lost someone.
I don't mean to be all doom and gloom, but seriously.... if something happened to even one of the people in your life, would you be happy with how you treated them? Would you be satisfied with the last thing you said to them? Would they know that you loved them? Or would you get beaten to death by Monster Regret, because your last words were angry ones.... your last time together was full of disdain.... the years between you were silent ones.....?
I encourage ALL of us to dig deep. If you're in a relationship of ANY kind, do everything in your power to make it a good one. Stop fighting over things, and start loving and accepting. Stop shutting down, and start the dialogue of forgiveness. It doesn't matter what happened...or who started it.... or who did what to who. WE matter. People matter. Friendships matter. Families matter.
Work. It. Out. I know it's hard. I know it hurts. Do it anyway.
In the interest of sounding macabre, the funeral is NOT the place to tell someone how you feel (not that you can't express your feelings, but you know what I mean, right?). If you're saying it at a funeral, I'm sorry to tell you, but it's too late. Say it now. Right now. Show love right now. Forgive. Accept. Cooperate. Be real. Take advantage of every minute you have together on this earth. Live NOW so that you don't have to be beaten down later!
If you wait till it's too late, regret WILL get you.
Regret is a TERRIBLE thing to live with, but for some reason, we pave a clear path for this monster to walk right in and make itself at home. It lounges on our emotional couches, feeds on our insecurities and takes advantage of our hospitable hearts. Then, without warning, it attacks and beats the living daylights out of us with weapons like "If only I had done....", "I wish I would have said...." and "I wish I could go back and...."
Let me just ask.... is this what you REALLY want? Do you REALLY want to look back on things with the deep wound of regret? How many times in your life have you done this already? Is it enjoyable?
Duh. Of COURSE it isn't.
Let's talk about relationships. What's going on in your relationships right now? Are you loving on each other? Are you taking advantage of your time together? Are you saying enough "I love you" and "I'm sorry" sort of statements? Or, are you taking people for granted, being stubborn, fighting with each other, arguing over things, or even not speaking to each other at all?
Let's get a reality check here, people. We are NOT promised tomorrow! We are not even promised the very next second. Anything could happen at any moment to any one of us and that would be it. Period. The end. We don't get a second chance at this life. Sudden death and loss happens every day of every year. We go about our normal lives and suddenly, "BAM!"... we've lost someone.
I don't mean to be all doom and gloom, but seriously.... if something happened to even one of the people in your life, would you be happy with how you treated them? Would you be satisfied with the last thing you said to them? Would they know that you loved them? Or would you get beaten to death by Monster Regret, because your last words were angry ones.... your last time together was full of disdain.... the years between you were silent ones.....?
I encourage ALL of us to dig deep. If you're in a relationship of ANY kind, do everything in your power to make it a good one. Stop fighting over things, and start loving and accepting. Stop shutting down, and start the dialogue of forgiveness. It doesn't matter what happened...or who started it.... or who did what to who. WE matter. People matter. Friendships matter. Families matter.
Work. It. Out. I know it's hard. I know it hurts. Do it anyway.
In the interest of sounding macabre, the funeral is NOT the place to tell someone how you feel (not that you can't express your feelings, but you know what I mean, right?). If you're saying it at a funeral, I'm sorry to tell you, but it's too late. Say it now. Right now. Show love right now. Forgive. Accept. Cooperate. Be real. Take advantage of every minute you have together on this earth. Live NOW so that you don't have to be beaten down later!
If you wait till it's too late, regret WILL get you.
September 21, 2012
Unappreciated Oranges
I had a very interesting conversation with someone today. Here's an excerpt:
Them: I often feel like.... I do a lot to show people I care about them and if that isn't enough... They are expecting more of me, or something different than what I have..... I don't know... That seems not very nice. If I give almost all of my oranges to someone and they say "but I want apples" you know? I don't have apples. And now should I feel bad that I don't have apples?
Me: But what if oranges really aren't their thing?
Them: Then I guess I keep my oranges if nobody wants them. And they will just sit here and rot.
Me: Would you be willing to go buy apples? Wouldn't you rather give them apples if that's truly their favourite? Not because it's your thing, but because it's their thing?
Them: If I had an orchard of apples I would give them all but that is not what I have. They don't grow here. So, I can give everything I have.... forever... and it will never be good enough. Because oranges aren't good enough.
Me: No. I think it's a language thing. If you speak oranges, and I speak apples, then I really want to try to learn to speak orange. Because that's who YOU are.
Them: But it isn't how it goes. Everyone is always harassing me about all the apples I don't have. I know it isn't on purpose.... I know everyone wants apples.... And I feel constantly that my oranges are under appreciated... I do try to be better all the time...
This conversation is between me and someone that I love dearly. Someone who loves me dearly, but speaks a different language than I speak. It gave me a new and interesting perspective on some things.
Now, I don't normally buy into a lot of psycho-babble, but there is something to be said for Gary Chapman's concept of the Five Love Languages, and this is a prime example.
We do love each other in different "languages", don't we? My language is Quality Time, while my friend here clearly speaks Acts of Service. This person will show love to me by DOING something for me (giving me oranges). What's strange is, that unless I learn and accept how THEY show love, I have the potential to feel frustrated and empty ("But I want apples"). Then, of course, they will feel frustrated, because their "oranges are unappreciated."
None of us want to feel insecure or unloved. It's a terrible feeling. I believe these feelings might be minimized if we learn the other person's language. It would do us good to understand that, even though they may not hand us a bushel of apples, they are selflessly giving us every orange they have. And to them, that's the biggest sacrifice of love they can give.
So. Next time someone "hands you an orange", try not to gripe because it isn't an apple. Smile and know that they are speaking love to you in their own language.
Just a thought....
You should also consider reading The Five Languages of Apology. It is also a fantastic resource for understanding each other better.
Them: I often feel like.... I do a lot to show people I care about them and if that isn't enough... They are expecting more of me, or something different than what I have..... I don't know... That seems not very nice. If I give almost all of my oranges to someone and they say "but I want apples" you know? I don't have apples. And now should I feel bad that I don't have apples?
Me: But what if oranges really aren't their thing?
Them: Then I guess I keep my oranges if nobody wants them. And they will just sit here and rot.
Me: Would you be willing to go buy apples? Wouldn't you rather give them apples if that's truly their favourite? Not because it's your thing, but because it's their thing?
Them: If I had an orchard of apples I would give them all but that is not what I have. They don't grow here. So, I can give everything I have.... forever... and it will never be good enough. Because oranges aren't good enough.
Me: No. I think it's a language thing. If you speak oranges, and I speak apples, then I really want to try to learn to speak orange. Because that's who YOU are.
Them: But it isn't how it goes. Everyone is always harassing me about all the apples I don't have. I know it isn't on purpose.... I know everyone wants apples.... And I feel constantly that my oranges are under appreciated... I do try to be better all the time...
This conversation is between me and someone that I love dearly. Someone who loves me dearly, but speaks a different language than I speak. It gave me a new and interesting perspective on some things.
Now, I don't normally buy into a lot of psycho-babble, but there is something to be said for Gary Chapman's concept of the Five Love Languages, and this is a prime example.
We do love each other in different "languages", don't we? My language is Quality Time, while my friend here clearly speaks Acts of Service. This person will show love to me by DOING something for me (giving me oranges). What's strange is, that unless I learn and accept how THEY show love, I have the potential to feel frustrated and empty ("But I want apples"). Then, of course, they will feel frustrated, because their "oranges are unappreciated."
None of us want to feel insecure or unloved. It's a terrible feeling. I believe these feelings might be minimized if we learn the other person's language. It would do us good to understand that, even though they may not hand us a bushel of apples, they are selflessly giving us every orange they have. And to them, that's the biggest sacrifice of love they can give.
So. Next time someone "hands you an orange", try not to gripe because it isn't an apple. Smile and know that they are speaking love to you in their own language.
Just a thought....
You should also consider reading The Five Languages of Apology. It is also a fantastic resource for understanding each other better.
June 22, 2012
Bullying... It's Not Just for Kids!
Several years ago, I was sitting at a piano playing a song I wrote. There was a couple standing by listening, and when I finished, the husband said this to me:
"Michele, your looks are the thorn in your side. If you didn't look like this, you'd be famous."
I've never forgotten it. And, truth be told, I've tried, but have never recovered from it.
We hear so much these days about kids bullying other kids, and most recently, kids bullying a sweet old grandma, but really, where does it start? What's the example? Hey... guess what.... adults are not exempt from this behavior.
I was badly picked on, and sometimes gang bullied as a kid from elementary school, all the way up through high school, and then on into college. And now, as an adult, people say stuff to me ALL THE TIME about the way I dress, or how ugly I am. It's true. I'm sick of it. So.... I have a couple of things to say....
First... to the adults who think it's okay to say mean things to others about their looks or whatever...
Seriously. Shut up. Shut your mouth. You are NOT better than anyone else, nor does your style, education, self-righteousness or status put you at a higher level than others. Just because it's different, doesn't make it wrong. Your mother was right... if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Before you decide to bully someone else, look at your own life and how much grace you require. Think about the times people have said mean things to you or about you, and how it made you feel.... and shut up! You don't get to decide what's right or wrong for someone else... it's not your job. Your life is yours. Their life is theirs. Stop criticizing their shoes, their hair, their clothes, their choices, even if you don't agree with it. People like me are sick of hearing about how bad we suck. Shut. Up!
Second... to the adults who are on the receiving end of this kind of thing...
If you're like me, and you've been bullied for a long time, you know that we tend to just "take it" when it comes to stuff like this. We've taken it for a long time, and it's destroying us. It's time to speak up. It's time to silence the voices of criticism and rely on the truth of the One who made us. You are NOT trash. You are NOT ugly. You are NOT worthless. You are NOT stupid. God did NOT put you on this earth to be put down and crushed by ruthless words. Your decisions are between you and Him, and nobody else gets to decide your path for you. Be YOU. You are beautiful and important as you are, NOT as someone else thinks you should be. Be brave. Plant your feet and stand strong. It's okay to say you don't want to hear it anymore. Speak. Up!
So. Yeah.
If we're going to go on preaching rampages about kids bullying other kids, then we should probably look deep into our own lives and figure out where they're learning this behavior. A lot of people are thinking it... I just happen to be the one saying it today.
Shut. Up.
Speak. Up.
March 2, 2012
White Elephant's Beard??
Have you ever played that game called, "Telephone"? You know the one.... one person whispers a phrase into the next person's ear, and by the time it goes around the circle, the phrase has gone from "Why is this so weird?" to "White elephant's beard." Everyone in the room bursts out into laughter, and the game starts over again.
You know it, right? Have you ever thought about how this translates into real life?
I have this ongoing banter with a close friend. Well, actually, I think I just come off as annoying to her, but she loves and tolerates me anyway. You see, I'm a question asker. Always have been, and always will be. When she tells me a story that begins with, "Did you know...." I always follow it up with, "Where did you hear that?" I don't mean to be a thorn in her side, but I want to know where the information came from, so I can find out if it's actually true. It's not because I don't trust her, that's not it at all. I just have this deep inner drive to seek facts, instead of just believing it because someone said it was true. If I don't find the truth for myself, I feel like I'm just playing a game of "Telephone" with real life, and that doesn't do me, or anyone else, any good.
Think about it... how many times a day do you hear someone start a sentence with, "Hey, did you know...." or "I heard that..."? That kind of discussion is so prominent in our society, that it becomes very difficult to discern the truth about anything. Stories get passed from ear to ear, rapidly morphing into personal interpretation like a chameleon on steroids. Eventually, the story is far from the facts, that the person who originally told it can hardly recognize it as their own. The truth is lost, and we are left passing on tales about which we know nothing.
The reality is, that if we would "hang up the telephone" more often, and seek the truth for ourselves, we would be a lot less confused. Now, I'm not saying we have to be in each other's faces with finger shaking doubt, but it could only benefit us to make sure the story is true, before passing it on as fact.
It's true for stories (or gossip) about people, but it's also true for everything else. That story you heard from Jack, who heard it from Melissa, who heard it from Jeff, who heard it on some random news show on television, has prooooobably been filtered a little bit, don't you think?
Hang. Up. The. Phone.
Seriously. Just hang it up. Don't pass it on until you know the true story! Find the facts for yourself, and let's be educated people, rather than mindless regurgitating machines.
Hang. Up. The. Phone.
Seriously. Just hang it up. Don't pass it on until you know the true story! Find the facts for yourself, and let's be educated people, rather than mindless regurgitating machines.
January 6, 2012
Write On?
I've been looking though the blog posts I've written over the past couple of years, and for every published post, there are about three more that I wasn't brave enough to finish.
I LOVE to write, and I really need to do it more often. I just don't always know what to write about these days. My life? My experiences? My thoughts? (Oy. Now THAT is scary.)
What should I write about? What do you want to know?
I LOVE to write, and I really need to do it more often. I just don't always know what to write about these days. My life? My experiences? My thoughts? (Oy. Now THAT is scary.)
What should I write about? What do you want to know?
September 9, 2011
Stop By Any Time??
I was raised in New Mexico. I hated it while I was there, but since I've moved away, I've discovered that there are several things I really miss.
I could go on and on, but I won't. Only the New Mexico folks would understand, anyway.
Having said all that, one of the things I miss the most is, "Stop by any time!" Where I grew up, doors were open and people REALLY meant it when they threw that statement out to you. Depending on who you were visiting, you might not even have to knock. You could walk in and yell for whoever was home. They would yell back.... "We're in here... get yourself something to drink (usually tea) and get in here!" If you happened to stop by during dinner, it wasn't awkward and full of apologies. It was, "Siddown (translation: sit down). Here's a plate. Eat."
The Minnesota version of this is, "Yes... we should get together soon... let's check our schedules and calendars and find a time slot that works for all of us. Oh, and make sure you call to confirm before you come."
You don't dare just stop by most peoples' houses here... it's considered disrespectful.
Wait.... what? Stopping by someone's house just because you're in the neighborhood and want to say hello is disrespectful? Really? Where I come from, that's one of the ways you care for people. I wish, oh, how I wish I could call a bunch of my New Mexico people up here to give these stuffy Germans and Norwegians a solid dose of good old southern hospitality.
Now, I'm not dismissing the privacy factor, as some things are very personal, but I truly don't understand the "closed door" policy most people up here seem to have. What is so wrong with stopping by just because you're thinking about someone and want them to know it? Hey, Minnesota... psst.... listen.... your life is NOT going to crumble to the ground if your friends stop by unannounced. Really. It will be okay. Sit with them. Chat with them. Care for them. Let them care for you. Who cares if your house isn't perfectly in order with vacuum lines on the carpet and a scented candle burning?! Who cares if the dishes aren't done?! Who cares if you're in your sweats and grubby t-shirt?! Live! Be real. Open up! Share!
I think we SHOULD have those real moments with each other. The down and dirty ones. The off-guard ones. The ones that show the true lives we live, rather than the perfectly tailored images we try to present when we have time to prepare. Perhaps it would do us good to open our doors and allow people to "stop by any time." We might discover that we're not all as put together as we'd like to be, and that it's okay to just be human.
Agree or disagree. That's your choice. I will leave you with this: I am not perfect. My house is sometimes really messy. The dishes are often sitting on the counter waiting to be done. Even the litter box isn't always scooped (*GASP*). But... my door is always open, so PLEASE..... stop by any time.
There's always tea.
- Iced tea. There's always tea. Always.
- Cowboys who hold doors, take their hats off and love their mamas.
- The smell of the fresh Ruidoso mountain air in the morning. Mmm...
- Brisket and fried okra. And REAL Mexican food.
- Little old grannies who boss you around and swat your butt if you're sassy.
- Going out for a "coke".
- Allsup's burritoes. It's just one of those things.

I could go on and on, but I won't. Only the New Mexico folks would understand, anyway.
Having said all that, one of the things I miss the most is, "Stop by any time!" Where I grew up, doors were open and people REALLY meant it when they threw that statement out to you. Depending on who you were visiting, you might not even have to knock. You could walk in and yell for whoever was home. They would yell back.... "We're in here... get yourself something to drink (usually tea) and get in here!" If you happened to stop by during dinner, it wasn't awkward and full of apologies. It was, "Siddown (translation: sit down). Here's a plate. Eat."
The Minnesota version of this is, "Yes... we should get together soon... let's check our schedules and calendars and find a time slot that works for all of us. Oh, and make sure you call to confirm before you come."
You don't dare just stop by most peoples' houses here... it's considered disrespectful.
Wait.... what? Stopping by someone's house just because you're in the neighborhood and want to say hello is disrespectful? Really? Where I come from, that's one of the ways you care for people. I wish, oh, how I wish I could call a bunch of my New Mexico people up here to give these stuffy Germans and Norwegians a solid dose of good old southern hospitality.
Now, I'm not dismissing the privacy factor, as some things are very personal, but I truly don't understand the "closed door" policy most people up here seem to have. What is so wrong with stopping by just because you're thinking about someone and want them to know it? Hey, Minnesota... psst.... listen.... your life is NOT going to crumble to the ground if your friends stop by unannounced. Really. It will be okay. Sit with them. Chat with them. Care for them. Let them care for you. Who cares if your house isn't perfectly in order with vacuum lines on the carpet and a scented candle burning?! Who cares if the dishes aren't done?! Who cares if you're in your sweats and grubby t-shirt?! Live! Be real. Open up! Share!
I think we SHOULD have those real moments with each other. The down and dirty ones. The off-guard ones. The ones that show the true lives we live, rather than the perfectly tailored images we try to present when we have time to prepare. Perhaps it would do us good to open our doors and allow people to "stop by any time." We might discover that we're not all as put together as we'd like to be, and that it's okay to just be human.
Agree or disagree. That's your choice. I will leave you with this: I am not perfect. My house is sometimes really messy. The dishes are often sitting on the counter waiting to be done. Even the litter box isn't always scooped (*GASP*). But... my door is always open, so PLEASE..... stop by any time.
There's always tea.
August 26, 2011
The Lyrics of Life #5
Out my window, I see... the beautiful day... looks like it's going to rain. I love rain!
I am pondering... The shallowness of the business world. It seems to be all about how you dress and who you know. I HATE that. It's so maddening to see people judged by their appearance and connections. What the heck difference does it make if you get the job done??? Geez.
Looking forward to... Payday. That's always a plus.
I am grateful for... my bestest friend, Stacey. She is just amazing.
Something I have learned recently... It's not that I learned it recently, but I was recently reminded that Christians can be some of the most harsh, judgmental, people. It's really sad when you see more of God's character in atheists than you do in Christians. Oy.
An awesome quote... "I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." ~ Pablo Picasso
I love... tomatoes. I just love them.
It would appear that... most people are more comfortable being charged for something than taking it for free. Odd.
I am hearing... my own thoughts twisting about in my head.
Something musical... I lost one of the music books I really like. Can't for the life of me figure out what I did with it. So frustrating.
Around my house... I really want to reorganize the stuff in my kitchen cabinets. We'll see if I'm actually motivated to follow through.
One of my favourite things... Watching the trees turn from green to their gorgeous fall colours. Aaahhhh.
Five random things that have happened this week:
1. Got to go to Thursdays on First AND the Farmer's Market.
2. I got to go straight home from work and STAY there several days this week. I don't even remember the last time that happened.
3. Sat in traffic through 9 green lights. Exciting, I know.
4. Got a phone call to photograph a cactus blossom. Said blossoms don't last very long, I guess.
5. Started making plans for the great Minnesota Get Together. Junk food on a stick. W
Picture of the day... The cactus blossom. It's actually pretty cool.
I am pondering... The shallowness of the business world. It seems to be all about how you dress and who you know. I HATE that. It's so maddening to see people judged by their appearance and connections. What the heck difference does it make if you get the job done??? Geez.
Looking forward to... Payday. That's always a plus.
I am grateful for... my bestest friend, Stacey. She is just amazing.
Something I have learned recently... It's not that I learned it recently, but I was recently reminded that Christians can be some of the most harsh, judgmental, people. It's really sad when you see more of God's character in atheists than you do in Christians. Oy.
An awesome quote... "I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." ~ Pablo Picasso
I love... tomatoes. I just love them.
It would appear that... most people are more comfortable being charged for something than taking it for free. Odd.
I am hearing... my own thoughts twisting about in my head.
Something musical... I lost one of the music books I really like. Can't for the life of me figure out what I did with it. So frustrating.
Around my house... I really want to reorganize the stuff in my kitchen cabinets. We'll see if I'm actually motivated to follow through.
One of my favourite things... Watching the trees turn from green to their gorgeous fall colours. Aaahhhh.
Five random things that have happened this week:
1. Got to go to Thursdays on First AND the Farmer's Market.
2. I got to go straight home from work and STAY there several days this week. I don't even remember the last time that happened.
3. Sat in traffic through 9 green lights. Exciting, I know.
4. Got a phone call to photograph a cactus blossom. Said blossoms don't last very long, I guess.
5. Started making plans for the great Minnesota Get Together. Junk food on a stick. W
Picture of the day... The cactus blossom. It's actually pretty cool.
August 19, 2011
The Lyrics of Life #4
Yes, I know.... I've been only SLIGHTLY sporadic at writing here. For those of you asking, I'll try to do better. :o)
Out my window, I see... a barbecue grill, a table, and a very bright, sunny day.
I am pondering... Regret. Specifically with how little we tell people we love them, cherish them, need them. Life can change so fast. SO fast. We DO NOT KNOW how our next minute will be spent. How their next minute will be spent... whether we'll see them again.... How are we going to feel if something happens to them, and our last words were empty, or angry? More than that, though, are we picking your battles carefully, and doing our best to live peacefully? I have many thoughts on this subject. Perhaps that's another post.
Looking forward to... the Farmer's Market with my dear friend, Jennifer, and then a lovely breakfast with Kristin.
I am grateful for... the surprise visit I was able to pull off on my mom. She had NO idea I was going to show up in Ohio, and it was fabulous. What a great time we had.
Something I have learned recently...
An awesome quote... "The best way to become boring is to say everything." ~Voltaire
Today's duds... Boring. Shirt. Capris. Shoes. Bleh.
I love... watching someone's passion come out. Whatever it is, however it works. Love it.
It would appear that... despite the protest of most people I know, autumn is indeed on its way. My favourite time of year. Ahhhh....
I am hearing... my computer humming, and the air conditioner running.
Something musical... I still need to find an outlet for singing. And I need to start playing the piano more often. And the guitar. I desperately need a keyboard in my house.
Around my house... Well... the little tootsie rolls in the litter box are going to start migrating if I don't clean them out soon. That would be the goal this weekend, among other things. Oh, I'm sorry... was that too much information??? :o)
One of my favourite things... Oswald Chambers, though, technically, he's not a thing. He was such a wise man.
Five random things that have happened this week:
1. Someone gave me a can of whole tomatoes as a sarcastic gift. It was awesome.
2. Despite my Scottish heritage, I attended the Irish Fair in the twin cities. It was great fun.
3. I was able to photograph (at stage level) a concert of The High Kings. What a blast! If you like Irish, Celtic music, you'll love these guys.
4. August 18th marked my twelve-year anniversary at my job. I love what I do! It also marked my two-year anniversary of back surgery. I guess I've come pretty far. Just wish my gimpy foot would work.
5. I enjoyed the cooler weather so much that I started nesting for winter. I'm so excited!
Picture of the day... One of the shots of The High Kings... Love them.
Out my window, I see... a barbecue grill, a table, and a very bright, sunny day.
I am pondering... Regret. Specifically with how little we tell people we love them, cherish them, need them. Life can change so fast. SO fast. We DO NOT KNOW how our next minute will be spent. How their next minute will be spent... whether we'll see them again.... How are we going to feel if something happens to them, and our last words were empty, or angry? More than that, though, are we picking your battles carefully, and doing our best to live peacefully? I have many thoughts on this subject. Perhaps that's another post.
Looking forward to... the Farmer's Market with my dear friend, Jennifer, and then a lovely breakfast with Kristin.
I am grateful for... the surprise visit I was able to pull off on my mom. She had NO idea I was going to show up in Ohio, and it was fabulous. What a great time we had.
Something I have learned recently...
An awesome quote... "The best way to become boring is to say everything." ~Voltaire
Today's duds... Boring. Shirt. Capris. Shoes. Bleh.
I love... watching someone's passion come out. Whatever it is, however it works. Love it.
It would appear that... despite the protest of most people I know, autumn is indeed on its way. My favourite time of year. Ahhhh....
I am hearing... my computer humming, and the air conditioner running.
Something musical... I still need to find an outlet for singing. And I need to start playing the piano more often. And the guitar. I desperately need a keyboard in my house.
Around my house... Well... the little tootsie rolls in the litter box are going to start migrating if I don't clean them out soon. That would be the goal this weekend, among other things. Oh, I'm sorry... was that too much information??? :o)
One of my favourite things... Oswald Chambers, though, technically, he's not a thing. He was such a wise man.
Five random things that have happened this week:
1. Someone gave me a can of whole tomatoes as a sarcastic gift. It was awesome.
2. Despite my Scottish heritage, I attended the Irish Fair in the twin cities. It was great fun.
3. I was able to photograph (at stage level) a concert of The High Kings. What a blast! If you like Irish, Celtic music, you'll love these guys.
4. August 18th marked my twelve-year anniversary at my job. I love what I do! It also marked my two-year anniversary of back surgery. I guess I've come pretty far. Just wish my gimpy foot would work.
5. I enjoyed the cooler weather so much that I started nesting for winter. I'm so excited!
Picture of the day... One of the shots of The High Kings... Love them.
July 29, 2011
The Lyrics of Life #3
Out my window, I see... freshly cut grass. A wonderful sight, and it smells great, too!
I am pondering... something a friend said to me yesterday (that her daughter said to her). "Comparing our troubles to others, even when it's a 'good' comparison, is denying God's path for us." I think she's on to something here. Maybe when we try to minimize what we're dealing with or feeling, we are limiting the whole experience God has for us. Perhaps when we face it, feel it to extreme depths, "get in the mud" with it, we'll find ourselves getting to know a whole new aspect of God's character. That's so interesting to think about.
Looking forward to... sleep this weekend. Sleep is good. Sleep is swell.
I am grateful for... the time I've had with my nephew over the past month. He is such an amazing kid, and I'm so glad he's been able to spend so much time with me.
Something I have learned recently... well..... I've learned that I still have so much to learn. It just never stops, does it? You can learn and learn and learn and still never learn it all.
An awesome quote... "The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think." ~Aristotle
Today's duds... Black Words Players shirt, black capris, clear Chucks, plaid socks.
I love... building deep relationships.
It would appear that... my poor little tomato plant is on its way out. It's given me some good fruit, but I think the end is near.
I am hearing... my thoughts... they're taking over the air space in my head. Wait.... uh..... that can't be right.
Something musical... I have discovered that I really don't care for "The Music Man" as a whole. The Words Players kids are phenomenal, but it's just not my favourite musical.
Around my house... Josiah and I will be spending some time cleaning tomorrow, just to catch up from the week.
One of my favourite things... having a deep, rich conversation with someone. Forget the weather talk. Let's dig deep and really talk. Love it.
Five random things that have happened this week:
1. Josiah beat me in a vicious match of Hungry, Hungry Hippos.
2. I got some collectors glasses as a gift from a good friend, bringing my total of them to 44. Yay!
3. I was reminded how much I love my friends. I am so fortunate.
4. I got a push broom at an auction for $5. I was very excited. I had NO idea push brooms were so stinking expensive in the stores. Those suckers are $20!
5. One of my good friends made it home safely after being gone for five weeks. Happy. :o)
Picture of the day... this is what happens when my good friend goes away for five weeks...
I am pondering... something a friend said to me yesterday (that her daughter said to her). "Comparing our troubles to others, even when it's a 'good' comparison, is denying God's path for us." I think she's on to something here. Maybe when we try to minimize what we're dealing with or feeling, we are limiting the whole experience God has for us. Perhaps when we face it, feel it to extreme depths, "get in the mud" with it, we'll find ourselves getting to know a whole new aspect of God's character. That's so interesting to think about.
Looking forward to... sleep this weekend. Sleep is good. Sleep is swell.
I am grateful for... the time I've had with my nephew over the past month. He is such an amazing kid, and I'm so glad he's been able to spend so much time with me.
Something I have learned recently... well..... I've learned that I still have so much to learn. It just never stops, does it? You can learn and learn and learn and still never learn it all.
An awesome quote... "The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think." ~Aristotle
Today's duds... Black Words Players shirt, black capris, clear Chucks, plaid socks.
I love... building deep relationships.
It would appear that... my poor little tomato plant is on its way out. It's given me some good fruit, but I think the end is near.
I am hearing... my thoughts... they're taking over the air space in my head. Wait.... uh..... that can't be right.
Something musical... I have discovered that I really don't care for "The Music Man" as a whole. The Words Players kids are phenomenal, but it's just not my favourite musical.
Around my house... Josiah and I will be spending some time cleaning tomorrow, just to catch up from the week.
One of my favourite things... having a deep, rich conversation with someone. Forget the weather talk. Let's dig deep and really talk. Love it.
Five random things that have happened this week:
1. Josiah beat me in a vicious match of Hungry, Hungry Hippos.
2. I got some collectors glasses as a gift from a good friend, bringing my total of them to 44. Yay!
3. I was reminded how much I love my friends. I am so fortunate.
4. I got a push broom at an auction for $5. I was very excited. I had NO idea push brooms were so stinking expensive in the stores. Those suckers are $20!
5. One of my good friends made it home safely after being gone for five weeks. Happy. :o)
Picture of the day... this is what happens when my good friend goes away for five weeks...
June 17, 2011
The Lyrics of Life #2
Out my window, I see... hot sunshine and two robins that appear to be protecting a nest.
I am pondering... how we as people tend to only listen to, and take the advice from people who are "on our side" in a situation. It's manipulative, and yet we seem to have this need to try to sway people our direction, and lock them in to our story or opinion. For example, next time you're sitting around a table in a meeting or a discussion, watch the dynamics, and observe how one person will try to seek out eye contact with another person they think is "with them". They will hook on to each other, and become a force together, seeking out the next brick in their wall. It's very fascinating.
Looking forward to... next week when "Annie" opens. I think it's going to be a great show. :o)
I am grateful for... the opportunities I've had lately to meet some really cool people.
Something I have learned recently... young men and women tend to saunter across the street like they own it, while old ladies and gentlemen scurry, because they don't want to be in the way.
An awesome quote... "The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first." ~ Jim Morrison
Today's duds... grey cargoes, eggplant purple shirt, sandals.
I love... my cat. He's the best cat in the world. No, really, he is.
It would appear that... a Wal-Mart trip is in order. Lest I not eat for the next week.
I am hearing... the air conditioner and the clock ticking. It's enough to put me to sleep!
Something musical... I didn't realize how much I enjoy being in musicals. They are so cheesy, but it's so much fun to sing and dance on stage.
Around my house... I really think I will enjoy actually spending some time at home after next week. Time to get it cleaned and straightened, and continue working on it to make it what I want.
One of my favourite things... watching a child's face light up when you tell them you believe in them.
Five random things that have happened this week:
1. I had a dream that my sister-in-law and I were making candles out of red Play-Dough.
2. I was able to shove (and I do mean, SHOVE) my gimpy foot into a pair of dress flats for the first time in nearly two years. Oh, the things we do for the theatre.
3. I gathered up all my courage to slam a shoe down on a spider/centipede thing, only to find out that it was just a dust bunny.
4. I was reminded once again, that kids are just amazing. And if you just allow them to shine, they WILL.
5. My first mortgage payment on my house was made successfully! One down, 90 bazillion more to go!
Picture of the day... the epitome of contentment.
I am pondering... how we as people tend to only listen to, and take the advice from people who are "on our side" in a situation. It's manipulative, and yet we seem to have this need to try to sway people our direction, and lock them in to our story or opinion. For example, next time you're sitting around a table in a meeting or a discussion, watch the dynamics, and observe how one person will try to seek out eye contact with another person they think is "with them". They will hook on to each other, and become a force together, seeking out the next brick in their wall. It's very fascinating.
Looking forward to... next week when "Annie" opens. I think it's going to be a great show. :o)
I am grateful for... the opportunities I've had lately to meet some really cool people.
Something I have learned recently... young men and women tend to saunter across the street like they own it, while old ladies and gentlemen scurry, because they don't want to be in the way.
An awesome quote... "The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first." ~ Jim Morrison
Today's duds... grey cargoes, eggplant purple shirt, sandals.
I love... my cat. He's the best cat in the world. No, really, he is.
It would appear that... a Wal-Mart trip is in order. Lest I not eat for the next week.
I am hearing... the air conditioner and the clock ticking. It's enough to put me to sleep!
Something musical... I didn't realize how much I enjoy being in musicals. They are so cheesy, but it's so much fun to sing and dance on stage.
Around my house... I really think I will enjoy actually spending some time at home after next week. Time to get it cleaned and straightened, and continue working on it to make it what I want.
One of my favourite things... watching a child's face light up when you tell them you believe in them.
Five random things that have happened this week:
1. I had a dream that my sister-in-law and I were making candles out of red Play-Dough.
2. I was able to shove (and I do mean, SHOVE) my gimpy foot into a pair of dress flats for the first time in nearly two years. Oh, the things we do for the theatre.
3. I gathered up all my courage to slam a shoe down on a spider/centipede thing, only to find out that it was just a dust bunny.
4. I was reminded once again, that kids are just amazing. And if you just allow them to shine, they WILL.
5. My first mortgage payment on my house was made successfully! One down, 90 bazillion more to go!
Picture of the day... the epitome of contentment.
June 10, 2011
The Lyrics of Life
I used to participate in this thing called, "The Simple Woman's Daybook," which was a weekly recording of random happenings in one's life. However, I got out the habit, and truth be told, I am the farthest thing from "simple" anyway. People keep telling me they miss the weekly update, SO.... I'll do my own version, and see how it goes each week.
Out my window, I see... a gorgeous cloudy sky, and the trees blowing in the breeze. Delicious day.
I am pondering... whether or not flies wish they had sunglasses.
Looking forward to... vacation. I really need some time to just chill. No deadlines. Just relaxing.
I am grateful for... my new house. I am so.... dare I say it?..... blessed. Oy.
Something I have learned recently... if you have a bush outside your house that you want to trim, wear gloves. It could have sharp, pointy things on it. And they could tear up your arms.
An awesome quote... "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Today's duds... jeans, red long-sleeved shirt, chucks. Very comfy.
I love... that I have a tomato plant of my own. Next year, I'm going to try to plant more veggies. VEGGIES!!!
It would appear that... I won't have another free night till the end of June. I love being busy and active!
I am hearing... the sound of a machine running.
Something musical... I would really, REALLY like a keyboard in my house, so I can play again.
Around my house... I have to learn how to get out of my new house. It's not as easy as you think when you've been used to living with only one entrance and no garage for ten years.
One of my favourite things... capturing people and things and emotions through the camera. LOVE.
Five random things that have happened this week:
1. I discovered that what I thought was rhubarb was only skunk cabbage. Thanks to Mark and Libby for that revelation.
2. I went to the movie, "Soul Surfer". It was pretty good. Inspiring.
3. I made a complete fool of myself in an audition. Classic.
4. I won popsicle maker things at a bridal shower. Woot.
5. I broke my shoe in a rehearsal. It's tragic. My most comfy pair of Chucks.
Picture of the day... I love this picture of Audrey. I had pictured it in my head and asked her to pose for it, and it turned out better than I thought it would.
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