Feeling confident?
Yesterday, my brother and I were having a discussion about "Happy Holidays" versus "Merry Christmas". He asked me if, as a Christian, I get offended when someone says the dreaded HH phrase instead of the much preferred MC phrase.
Um. NO.
And here's why...
As a Christian, if I know what I believe, and am confident in it, I don't feel threatened by what other people have to say about it. I'm not scared of open-minded discussion, and I am certainly not going to freak out because someone wished me a happy holiday. I might even thank them and *GASP!* say it back.
Oh swooooooooon..... pray for my wicked, wicked soul.....
Seriously, people, do we really think that a phrase is ACTUALLY going to "take Christ out of Christmas" for us and the rest of the world? Are those words going to rewind time and make Jesus NOT be born? Does a "Happy Holidays" nullify the manger, the cross, the sacrifice?
It does not. Never will.
So, here's a little encouragment, a little nudge:
Instead of engaging in a battle over words, how about we engage together in a battle over hunger, or homelessness, or cures for illnesses. Let's focus our energy to bring healing to broken people, to invest in those who are lonely, to just BE THERE for each other.
And.... next time someone wishes you a happy holiday, and you're tempted to get offended... just.... don't. Smile. Extend love. And friendship. And Jesus.
I TRULY wish you a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all those other nice phrases.
Oh yeah, and remember that first sentence up there.
(Pardon the language, but look at the whole comic. It's an in-your-face picture of the message we're spreading.)
This whole thing is just too weird
:-) HaHaHaHa, oh I crack myself up!
If we simply focus on serving and giving in the name of an astonishing Savior, we won't get too wrapped up in the commercialism or the semantics of it all, right?
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