June 1, 2009

SWD #34


FOR TODAY (June 1, 2009)...

Outside my window... 64 degrees and sunny. I am hanging onto the cooler weather as long as I possibly can. Though.... my pool is blue and looks very refreshing. :o)

I am thinking... about how to get myself to New Mexico to see Grandpa Don before it's too late. I'm extremely worried that I might not make it in time. Stupid money.... why can't I just have more of it?

I am hoping... that the above mentioned works out soon. VERY soon. I hate not having the luxury of time on my side.

I am thankful for... Well.... among other not-so-shallow things, I am thankful for my peeps at Starbucks, who called pretty much every Lutheran church in town looking for me (they couldn't remember which one I worked at) to tell me that they had set aside the new "to-go" cup for me. I've been waiting for more than a month for that cup to arrive. Talk about above and beyond!

From the kitchen... yeah. I pretty much have nothing coming from the kitchen.

I am wearing... black pants, fuschia shirt... and other stuff.

I am creating... thoughts about how I want to handle the next few weeks. Might be a little tricky.

I am hearing... a couple of people talking down the hall, and the air conditioner running.

Around the house... I MUST MUST MUST clean. My mom came to visit and my house was a disaster. How humiliating. Ugh.

One of my favourite things... my mom coming to visit. She came and stayed for a week, and we had a great time just doing whatever we wanted. Lots of laughs and lots of good conversation. I really enjoyed it. :o)

A few plans for the rest of the week:
I have NO clue.

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing... I have several pics. My mom and I went to the Walker Art Museum (actually, we only went through the sculptures in the park) when she was here, so I am now in possession of pictures of the spoon and cherry art. I think every Minnesotan needs these for their collection. I got a cute pic of mom peeking through one of the art projects. I love how her face is in one square and her hand is in the next square down.

And THEN.... I was greeted by my dear BFF this morning with a picture of something her cat left for her, and the caption, "Here's looking at you." It's great to have friends who are comfortable sharing cat poop art with me. :o)


Anonymous said...

Praying you make it to New Mexico in time.

Love the spoon photo!

Michele said...

Hey! Thanks for the post on my blog... too cool that we're both Michele-- with ONE "L". I always tell people, "strange spelling, strange person"- somehow they never seem to argue with that... hmmmm!!! (I stopped caring a long time ago!) You're right, great Michele's think alike!! Will be checking back here regularly! Also, will be praying that you make it to New Mexico in time- keep me posted on how things are, ok? It's beautiful weather here in the east- hope you're enjoying your day!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Enjoyed the post! Thanks for sharing.