February 2, 2009

SWD #18


FOR TODAY (February 2, 2009)...

Outside my window... The snow melted a little over the last few days. It's not time yet!! I want more winter!! Punxsutawney Phil said six more weeks... it better be six more weeks!!

I am thinking... about how much I dislike summer, and want to put it off as long as possible.

I am thankful for... the ability to help others.

From the kitchen... I'm still into the mini shredded wheat bites. They are sooooo good.

I am wearing... black shirt, navy pants, funky socks. Boring.

I am creating... worship service and a hospital visitation card. So exciting.

I am going... to help my friend go through and clean out some stuff tonight.

I am reading... on heart disease. I don't want it and I refuse to get it. Ever. Or cancer. Or diabetes. Or Crohn's disease. Don't want any of them.

I am hearing... someone just dropped something in the back room and someone else is talking on the phone to tech support. Sounds frustrating.

Around the house... apparently I'm getting a new furnace. It's amazing what happens when the carbon monoxide monitor goes off. People really move quickly.

One of my favourite things... people who are quick-witted with a little sarcasm. They make me laugh.

A few plans for the rest of the week:Oh, who knows. I need to get through tonight first and see what comes next. Hopefully, the new furnace with be in tomorrow.

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing... I guess when you have nothing intelligent to say or show, it seems appropriate to insert a pointless picture of chips, salsa and homemade guacamole. Ooh. Aah.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Homemade guacamole is never pointless! Enjoyed your daybook entry and photo.